Weather is nice here, take the boat out last week, not paying too much attention, should have due to drought, but water was the lowest it has ever been. Driving along on normal route, maybe a little off than normal then all of the sudden we feel the boat gradually go from 25mph to 0 in about 30 yards or so. Sandbar. Hop out, and much to my surprise, I was able to walk in all directions about 50 yards with water only up to my knees. Try to get a boat to pull us out to no avail, had to get a barge with a crane to get it out.
Pull it out of the water, and everything looks pristine, no water in boat, tracking fins perfect, no gel coat cracks, prop appears perfect, spins easily. Put it back in water, and I notice some small, but new vibrations, trailer it, and spin up to 3000 rpm, notice the same vibrations, so not due to tracking fins. Examine prop again, no detectable changes, no water coming in from prop shaft.
I assume it has to be the prop or prop shaft. I can send the prop back to ACME for inspections, how hard is the prop shaft to take off and how do I find out if it is true or not.
Any other sources that one can think of, again looks pristine.
Pull it out of the water, and everything looks pristine, no water in boat, tracking fins perfect, no gel coat cracks, prop appears perfect, spins easily. Put it back in water, and I notice some small, but new vibrations, trailer it, and spin up to 3000 rpm, notice the same vibrations, so not due to tracking fins. Examine prop again, no detectable changes, no water coming in from prop shaft.
I assume it has to be the prop or prop shaft. I can send the prop back to ACME for inspections, how hard is the prop shaft to take off and how do I find out if it is true or not.
Any other sources that one can think of, again looks pristine.