Just picked up the boat from a Nautique dealer who did some PCM warranty work for me (no Tige dealer in the area). The boat developed an engine knock at the 120 hr mark so I took it in to have it looked at and they pulled it and sent back to PCM. PCM found a scored piston so they did a long block under warranty. Took the boat out to check it and found an issue that wasn't there before it went in for service. The taps gauge only moves between 4 and 8 so I thought the plate was not going all the way down. Once out of the water I checked it and it appears to be all the way down although the gauge reads 4. I then had a friend raise it and count off the numbers as the gauge went up and when he got to 8 the plate continued to go up another few seconds. This leads me to believe that the plate itself is operating through it's entire range but the gauge is not showing the correct reading. I have searched the forums and found some issues that are similar, but no reported fixes. Does anyone know if there is a procedure to reset or synchronize the gauge to the tab, and could pulling the engine have caused this or is it just coincidence?
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Taps reset after engine work?
Yes there is a place in the touch screen where you reset it. I cant remember excatly where its at. Look for something like set up. Calibrate taps. It will tell you to put tab all the way down and hit calibrate then it will tell you to put it all the way up and hit calibrate. Not sure it will fix your issue but it wont hurt to try it.