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Polar Bear Chase Boat Highlights
Just a small recap, I have more but need to digest all that I was exposed to.
Goofy Group 5 boat surf order!
Sanger V237:
I loved the pocket the most. About 8 feet off the back where the flats would be there is this trough that allows you to recover from any trick your learning or improving on. The longest of all the wakes…for sure. Way to low in the water for me….gas cap under the water low.
I loved the fact that it felt like home, Big, steep, powerful, Pipeline pop that I have come to love about the TIGE brand. Just still to much wash coming over on the goofy side when over taps 3…and IMHO above taps 3 is where the magic starts.. I like the pre polar bear or post West Coast Open surf flap better at this point.
For an R&D boat, I'm impressed with the foundation. Not a goofy boat at this point. We ran tight circles to clean up the wake and even then not much push was ever found. I understand that Sunday they sacked it out and it improved 10 fold providing good feedback. Pavati is on there way with a sound platform and I look forward to there improvements and next build. Kathleen the mannequin came from the bow storage locker…I had to take her saturday night for a moonlight boat ride then keeping her for the rest of the event proved comical. All in good fun and everyone kept it PG13-ish…lol
Supreme 226:
I had the chance to surf both stock and privately owned 226's this past weekend. This was the most constant boat for me of the event. I think you could surf a comp with this boat after adding 1100lbs sack to a corner and 300 lbs of lead under the seat. took 8 min to change sides and you could sit anywhere with out effecting the wake. Wake power allows me to try and surf around objects…..cool forceful energy.
Centurion Enzo:
I was really disappointed with my performance and the lack of push or wake energy compared to the other boats and what I ride at home. I really wanted to surf it hard and aggressive but kept falling out the back. I tried hard, so had that I couldn't surf my last set as I was wiped out due to pumping. Bummed for sure because from the boat the wake looks sick…..at the end I just felt I was not good enough to surf behind it. I look forward to surf a comp boat or a dialed in ENZO soon to shake my soul. Tell then I will have a sad clown face.
My event order:
4 ENZO 244
I thank Wake9 and CMS along with all the boat and board manufactures for being so committed to the sport of surfing and allow some 25 people the opportunity of a life time.
Allan Kendall
SquidsWake Limited
www.facebook.com/SquidsWakeLimitedLast edited by Allan Kendall; 10-18-2012, 12:36 AM.Squid
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I really don't have much to add to Topaz's boat review. He is dead on. I rode the goofy boat in Topaz's group.
I am new to wakesurfing and I am already addicted. The event was awesome. I learned so much about the boats, weighting a boat, what people liked about their boat, and boards, boards, boards, boards. Seriously, I have ocean surfed, snowboarded, wakeboarded for years. I was SHOCKED at how different all the boards ride.
When riding the Tige Z3, RJ knows his boards. He was telling me how to get each board to react. Topaz knows how to tweak a wake. I was in his group and he moved bodies around to the bow or rear to get the wave even better.
To follow up with Squid ranking, very similar, to me the Supreme and Tige really stood out.
I would say
5) Pavati
4/3) Tied Enzo and Sanger - Sanger had push but was sunk, Enzo was begging for more weight and would likely get push. I weigh about 185 lbs and I felt the same as Squid about the Enzo's push. I am a beginner so, less push = more times having to come back and pick me up.
2) Supreme - to me the Supreme was clearly ahead of the Enzo and Sanger, even with tired legs from tons surfing (it was our last boat), the recoveries in the Supreme just seemed easier.
1)Tige Z3 - Not sure how much is RJ's driving, tips on the board you are riding, or just the flat out sick wake but this was my favorite wave.
Thanks to wake9, CMS, and everyone else for making the event a blast. I had never met anyone prior to coming and it was a ton of fun. It would have taken forever to learn as much as I did in one weekend. Thanks for including me guys!Mods: MLA BIG Ballast System (1800+ Custom sacs, 2 500 W705 sacs under bow), Duffy Surf Flap Mod, Trimmed Swim Deck, Top-Mount Starter
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a big thanks to wake9 and CMS for making this happen. I think it would have been a much different weekend had Grant not brought up boats...
our group rode the supreme/sanger/centurion on Saturday.
supreme was a very nice wave considering the ballast that was in it. it would have been interesting to compare charlie's boat and rob's boat from sunday and see the difference in a boat that was privately owned and dialed. the supreme is a solid value and was the most dyi-friendly boat at the event. the engine compartment was open, easy to access and looked to be a great boat to maintain.
sanger had the best wave of saturday from our group and the best graphics of the event. scott wouldn't say much about the weighting other than the boat did not have the surfballast setup installed and had lead in it. it was by far the lowest riding boat in the water. once one of our guys got him to quit powerturning, every time we stopped we took water over the back of the boat. it was also noisy. when we were leaving the parking lot, scott had issues with his trailer wiring so we helped for a while. somehow we ended up getting talked into helping him unload his lead. there was 1500lbs in 50lb bags spread all over the boat. it was sad that they no-showed on sunday.
centurion boat was just plain huge. I don't think i've ever had a crew large enough to do that boat justice. wave was good but needed a lot more weight and grant said the rear locker was full to the top so lead was the next option. only boat there that was stock. there were 2 centurion owners in our group and were as excited as I was to ride this based this boat's history. we were all disappointed in it. a letdown to say the least.
we started out on sunday on the pavati. one of our guys had sacks in his truck so we took them with us based on the feedback from saturday. chuck was super cool and was real open to feedback on the boat. 24ft long, 3800lbs dry and the storage lockers around the boat are easily 4ft deep. betting with the rear chair access I could do an impeller change in under 5 minutes. he stated that it has factory 900lb hardtanks on gate valves for each side. we added a 650 in the nose and 2 400's on the regular side. corsen was the first to ride(the best in our group) and were just starting to get the wake dialed with speed and people weight when the engine wouldn't run over 3200rpms and our speed was limited to 9.5-10mph. as we were researching we found out the bilge was FULL of water. every time we stopped, water was rushing in from the rodeo chair. one of the guys knew mercruiser engines well and said it was in some kind of limp/protect mode. it was this way for the rest of the session. we had to dump the hardtank and ran just sacks. wave was super tall and had a transition that would suck the board from you. this boat has so much potential and the interior and fit/finish was rock solid. I hope he's back next year with a few improvements as this boat has a ton of potential.
the tige z3 was our last boat and it had the most solid wave of the event. I expected this as it's the only boat that is "owned" and has had a lot of time to get dialed in. the wave was long, tall, a ton of push and with the taps plate, the adjustability was amazing. the thing I noticed the most was as the boat turned toward the goofy side, it didn't phase the wave at all. as it formed, riding the very back of the surfrope, there was still 2-3ft of wave behind you. robert and tige have done a solid job with this boat/wave.
I also had a chance to ride the moomba mojo on friday night. it was too bad that they were not able to participate as this boat would have given the sanger/supreme a run. solid wave, well built boat and I was amazed at how little the bow rose with 1100 in the corner and 4 people on that side.
it sounds like this event is only going to get more popular and I hope that i'm able to get to paypal quick enough to participate next year.
thanks to all that put it on and to amy/claudia as I know they did a lot behind the scenes that most riders probably never saw..2012 22ve.. RIP 4/17
2014 Z3.. Surf away
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I think the general consensus for our boat was the walker project signature 55 and the soulcraft jetty were the best boards. the fun board award went to the mendonesia longboard. it was stupid-fun and a board that I think we all agreed would be a fun board to screw around on after a day of surfing. it had very little traction on the back but with the shape of the board, you spent the entire ride on the wax top surface.
we only had one skim board-almost. it was the phase5 colt. it didn't last long.
one of the challenges with this event were the varying wakes and when you got to try each board. we ended up with the bomb pop behind the pavati, which was not our favorite wake so it was a tough board to ride. it would have been a different story behind the z3.2012 22ve.. RIP 4/17
2014 Z3.. Surf away
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Long Board, Ryno chasing Stupid fun at the PB for Goofy Group 5.
We had so much fun on the Mendo monster I think I cracked a rib. We all pulled off new and invented some new crazy trix then swam some retrieving it after a fall if the board fell outside the wake.
It is the next COOL thing for sure. Im already talking build build build with Todd.
Im new to skim and this trip was all about doing homework on what Skim boards Im going to add to my 2013 quiver. IS Keenan pro is sick but not for the beginner. I would love this board to come 'top less" allowing me to add my own traction where I want or adding higher arch bars or none at all. this would give it that custom feel and I could set it up like all my other boards. I could just pull it off or shave it down but if I have to modify it to my style the price should go down.
Danielo Diamind 51 - Skim was my favorite. Little more beginner to skim friendly and held an edge well. This is the bigger one but as they get small I think they get closer to the IS Keenan pro. After worming up to riding all side cut edge and not standing in the middle of the board i found myself drive the wake make big turns and flirting with a shove (rope in hand). No I did not attempt but I wanted to and the board was all about it. Chris Martinez used the phrase "credit card" something I remember when sk8ing and this seemed to be in the back of my mind...so no attempt due to the fact I had a lot more surfing to do and didn't want to continue the weekend all puckered up.
After that you can never go wrong with a Walker board. My travel buddy Little C. (Chris Martinez) Is the owner of the first carbon toped BP and at 4.5 (the board not chris) it's my second favorite board in the world. Support fast down the line with futures Black Stix V2F4s everyone need to feel it for themselves.
I used my very own 2013 SoulCraft Sex Panther as my base board allowing me to get comfy on all the different wakes. I cant say enough about this board so I'll just stop.
Recap....go longboard for family or to bring out the long haired competitor in you...I know it will pick you.....Shaka!Squid
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Originally posted by Allan Kendall View PostDanielo Diamind 51 - Skim was my favorite. Little more beginner to skim friendly and held an edge well. This is the bigger one but as they get small I think they get closer to the IS Keenan pro. After worming up to riding all side cut edge and not standing in the middle of the board i found myself drive the wake make big turns and flirting with a shove (rope in hand). No I did not attempt but I wanted to and the board was all about it. Chris Martinez used the phrase "credit card" something I remember when sk8ing and this seemed to be in the back of my mind...so no attempt due to the fact I had a lot more surfing to do and didn't want to continue the weekend all puckered up.