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Tige Wakesurf Device - BGB?

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    I am curious as to how the boat handles at cruising speeds? 20 / 25 mph?


      Great minds think alike. Some months ago I had the Tige factory give me a quote for a second set of swim platform mounting arms so I could experiment with exactly this concept. Nice to now have advance notice that the concept has some merit!


        Good eye Coop! That does look to be an RZ2 in that pic!


          X2! Its a pure guess, but I am cautiously intrigued with whether this can go on a 22i and make a usable surf wave...


            Man, for a newbie like me, it is hard to see much of a difference with Ragboy's usual Z3 wave. Glad to see any progression for the sport though.


              I sure hope it helps out the wakeboarding wake.


                What's wrong with the wb wake Bruizza?

                Is this thing morethan a spray catcher? Is it actually shaping/grooming the wave face?


                  Every so often there are ripples on the wakeboarding wake even in calm water. Seems like this device with cleaning stuff up could fix that small issue.


                    Oh and it is tough to get the wakeboarding wake clean at slower speeds. Not a big deal for me and my crew but for those with families I am sure they would love a clean wake at ~17mph like you can get from a Bu.


                      Originally posted by Bruizza View Post
                      Oh and it is tough to get the wakeboarding wake clean at slower speeds. Not a big deal for me and my crew but for those with families I am sure they would love a clean wake at ~17mph like you can get from a Bu.
                      I know this is an issue with our RZ2 (and was also, to a lesser extent, on our 24V). Is it also an issue with the Z3?

                      When I first saw this device, I thought there's a possibility it could help with that problem by "funneling" the prop wash, but I don't know if it will help that far back (or if prop wash is even the main culprit causing the slow-speed wash).


                        my wake cleans up nice at about 18/19, if you unload the ballast and kick the taps plate up to about 6+

                        yes there are "ripples" on the wakeboard wake, they make absolutely 0 difference in take off, the lip stays crispy.


                          Originally posted by houstonshark View Post
                          Robert, does it have any effect on the wakeboard wake?
                          No, and it doesn't seem to effect handling or performance driving around. If you look at the pics, its like 1/4 " higher than the hull, it doesn't engage at WB speeds, but it does seem to tame the rooster while WB a bit.

                          Originally posted by skippabcool View Post
                          Ragboy, do you have any side by side comparisons of the BGB and no BGB or mudflap?
                          These pictures are good pictures before the device and with the mudflap.



                          Originally posted by jwanck11 View Post
                          I want to hear from someone that is informed, please.

                          It looks as though the exhaust is contained within a small tunnel-like area. I am really curious to understand if this essentially would work like an FAE or does it amplify the sound from the exhaust port??? It looks as if it largely sits flush with the transom? That said, if it is going to be compatible with other models, other models have a more pronounced outer chine. Can't wait to see the fit, finish and effects on other models.

                          Also, what effect is there at plane-ing speed?
                          I sat on the "activity center" with the boat running, and it reminded me of the FAE. The boat was idling and exhaust bubbles coming up behind the deck. At times it makes the boat louder, but not when you are in the boat, only if you are directly behind it at low speed, it kinda does a megaphone thing, but you don't hear it at all when in the boat.

                          Originally posted by Timmy! View Post
                          I heard from someone at the dealer's meeting that it is called the Convex VXT.
                          Do you have any pics that you can line up of mud flap and BGB? I'm not seeing enough difference to run out and get one.
                          With the heavier weight, it looks like it makes the face very steep, is that my eyes playing tricks on me?
                          When you look at the wave at that angle, it makes it look steep. This device made the wake have such a smooth transition.

                          So here is my list of what I observed as its benefits.

                          1. Clean, clean, clean.

                          2. Smooth transition, and difficult to overweight. You can put too much weight in the Z3, and it makes for a bad transition. This seems to negate that, or at least make it MUCH more difficult.

                          3. The wake is long, real long, and much less curl which makes it effectively longer. It seemed to retain all of its power/push, which you can see in Dennis riding.

                          4. Adjustable as all hell. ;-) With the mudflap, I could adjust through the taps, and we filmed it, but didn't release. We decided to wait for this because the mudflap is so ugly and a pain in the a$$. You guys know, with like an RZ2, RZ4, and even the Z3 but not so bad the wake distorts with the taps all the way up. It gets like a funky shape. You can see in the video, it doesn't do that, and pay attention to taps 8 vs 1, the length is about the same. Try that at home. Your wake will shorten much more without this when you taps up a lot. This kept a more even length at all times. Keep in mind, we made a mod, our taps at 8 is like stock 6, and our 1 is like stock -2.

                          The only negative I saw so far is that on the goofy side it has that big mohawk of wash. It is off the face, but annoying. I am confident it will be fixed, because you don't have to reshape the hull, just adjust the channel of the device, maybe it needs to be assymetrical to deal with pro rotation. Or imagine a selector that makes the channel push the wash AWAY from the wake, not just up the center.

                          I am pretty sure, if you surf a lot, and you ride this, you will want one. I am also pretty sure this is not just for the Z3. Imaging what this can do for an RZR/R20?

                          It opens up so many possibilities.

                          One last thing, remember that we turned back that first Z3, if it didn't work, we wouldn't be talking about it. Tige sent this back to us from Abilene with our old deck and flap in the boat. They were looking for genuine, honest feedback. I told them, "I hope you planned on making this public now, because good luck taking this thing off my boat."


                            Good stuff. Looking forward to seeing this progress.

                            Would be super interesting to see a vid from the swim platform pointed down at the platform/wake interface ...


                              Ragboy this line

                              Tige sent this back to us from Abilene with our old deck and flap in the boat

                              Leads me to believe you need a new swim platform to use this product. Is that the case?


                                @duncan I am sure we will get some good chase footage at the polar bear.

                                @bruizza I am guessing so, or they just designed it with the new deck, but it came with the new deck, assuming 2013 deck? Its nice, super smooth underneath, and the seadeck on top is thicker and feels awesome under your feet.

