I was watching the Malibu Surfgate teaser a week ago or so, and it said "average time to switch sides, 45 mins". Hmm, not on my boat. We have a simple cross link system, its just a Johnson reversible pump mounted in the engine compartment and then plumbed to each rear corner system. If you stop the boat, and hit the switch you get from dialed weight on one side to the other in about 4 minutes, not 45, its pretty cool. Since we have been doing so much hosting, we have gotten in the habit of weighting the regular side even when we are only riding goofy. We do it so that we are in practice for making the best dialed wake on both sides. Also, it has been great practice for the kids and even Thomas is starting to really do great on the regular side. Check out this pic:
So RJ was practicing his hot dog skills on the long board on the regular side and we were going to stop and switch to the goofy side. Dennis said, "Why not just turn the pump on now and then we we move over to the other side and see if RJ can cross over and keep riding?" That sounded like fun. We didn't prepare or anything, just tried it one time, and went from side to side in like 4 seconds. Pretty cool.
So RJ was practicing his hot dog skills on the long board on the regular side and we were going to stop and switch to the goofy side. Dennis said, "Why not just turn the pump on now and then we we move over to the other side and see if RJ can cross over and keep riding?" That sounded like fun. We didn't prepare or anything, just tried it one time, and went from side to side in like 4 seconds. Pretty cool.