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    Originally posted by hyphen79 View Post
    The British call their cigarettes FAGS.
    True story. So quit sucking those fags...

    They'll cause you cancer.
    Waiting for another good one!


      Originally posted by dom w. forte View Post
      Since were on the subject, when did being homosextual , become the term gay , in my day it meant you were happy, unless it means there happy that there homosextual, in which case it should be the gay homopsextual, does this make sense.
      Good question. Maybe it was just accepted by the gay community because it suits them. It sounds a lot better than homosexual or homo IMO. I'm not sure of its exact origins though.
      You'll get your chance, smart guy.


        FYI, "faggot" is the German name for the double reed woodwind instrument we call a bassoon. This usage predates all of the other slang usages mentioned in this thread, so I consider it the proper definition. Everything else is just nonsense.

        One who plays a bassoon is also sometimes referred to by this term.

        Thus endeth today's linguistics lesson. {grin}


          Instead of typing {grin} you can type : D with out spaces, or click the little grinning man on the right.
          Waiting for another good one!


            The quick reply area at the bottom doesn't offer the ready-made smiley faces.


              Originally posted by Fiveflat View Post
              To expand on that point, I'd also like to know why when gay was labeled the term for homosexuality, why did I get a new label as well? "Straight" ?

              I don't like being labelled. I consider myself normal.
              Another good question. The term gay is actually older than homosexual. I believe it dates back to Sodom and Gomorra. It's basically Hebrew for pride if I remember. Something like that.

              Homosexual is an odd word. So I looked it up.

              homosexual 1892, in C.G. Chaddock's translation of Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexualis," from homo-, comb. form of Gk. homos "same" (see same) + Latin-based sexual (see sex)." 'Homosexual' is a barbarously hybrid word, and I claim no responsibility for it." [H. Havelock Ellis, "Studies in Psychology," 1897]The noun is first recorded 1912 in Eng., 1907 in French. In technical use, either male or female; but in non-technical use almost always male. Slang shortened form homo first attested 1929. The alternative homophile (1960) was coined in ref. to the homosexual regarded as a person of a particular social group, rather than a sexual abnormality. Homo-erotic first recorded 1916; homophobia is from 1969.
              You'll get your chance, smart guy.


                Originally posted by WABoating View Post
                The quick reply area at the bottom doesn't offer the ready-made smiley faces.
                Typing shortcuts....
                Attached Files
                Common Sense is not so Common
                Looking for fat chicks for long walks, romance, cheap buffets, and BALLAST.


                  Originally posted by TeamAllen View Post
                  I found this in the FAQs

                  Dealing with Troublesome Users:
                  Can I block posts, emails and messages from specific users?
                  If there are particular members that bother you and you do not want to see their posts or receive Private Messages and Emails from them, then you can add these members to your 'Ignore List'. There are several ways to do this:
                  Through your User Control Panel: User CP, Settings & Options, Edit Ignore List. Then, type their name into the empty text box and click 'Okay'.
                  It's a shame that function must be employed but yes, its about that time.
                  You'll get your chance, smart guy.


                    Originally posted by zad0030 View Post
                    Typing shortcuts....
                    Yeah, I know. So I'm lazy, and a creature of habit. I admit it! {grin}


                      Originally posted by robert theisen View Post
                      So Nobody can really be Nobody!
                      Nobody MUST be at least SOMEBODY, because the absolute law of SOMETHING says so.

                      NICKYPOO personally enjoys the sparing and antagonism, so I am doubtful he (she,it, or fruitcake) could endure the absence of NOBODY's comments.


                        Originally posted by Nobody View Post
                        Nobody MUST be at least SOMEBODY, because the absolute law of SOMETHING says so.

                        NICKYPOO personally enjoys the sparing and antagonism, so I am doubtful he (she,it, or fruitcake) could endure the absence of NOBODY's comments.
                        If you had something useful to contribute to this board, I wouldn't mind but, you don't so if you just went away, I would like it better. You probably won't though.
                        You'll get your chance, smart guy.


                          Originally posted by NICKYPOO View Post
                          If you had something useful to contribute to this board, I wouldn't mind but, you don't so if you just went away, I would like it better. You probably won't though.


                            Originally posted by NICKYPOO View Post
                            If you had something useful to contribute to this board, I wouldn't mind but, you don't so if you just went away, I would like it better. You probably won't though.
                            I was right.


                              You see , who said this site doesnt have the best info out there , what other forum could go from boat hours to alternative life styles??????????


                                Originally posted by dom w. forte View Post
                                You see , who said this site doesnt have the best info out there , what other forum could go from boat hours to alternative life styles??????????
                                True, but just because it CAN doesn't mean it NEEDS to.

