Spring for Iowa struck super early and we were fortunate to get out super early, earliest to date which was in March. Our regular season starts a week after the ice goes out and goes into the better part of September or mid October depending how busy we all get with school. This year we've been doing a lot of small test of additional weight in the Rz2 with simply adding people for the time being to be able to move weight around a lot more efficiently, and along with that keeping track of the general weight of each person that comes on that particular day. The reason I used people to do testing other than easier to move around is I can find where I will want to add weight then keep in mind people will always be onto of this weight from here on this was a general starting point for me to add later on in the season.
Day 1 of testing in March.
Stock 2,000lbs (which I believe is filling over that by a little)
7 People according to my calculations total weight around 1050
Total ballast: 3,050
Taps 3
Speed 23.6
All the people I had in the rear so only 800lbs in the bow for weight giving us a 2,250 in the rear which is close to a 30/70 split of weight.
here's a couple pictures of the wake
Day 2 in April now
2k stock
total people 12 weight: 1920
Total weight: 3920
Once again all the people in the rear! so around a 20/80 split of weight
Taps 3
Speed 23.8
Last day
Stock 2K
4 People -600 lbs
I then added a 200lbs in the rear along the floor against the back seats
Also added a 300lbs sac across the front seats sideways (pictured)
total weight : 3100
Bow weight - 1100
Rear weight - 2400
The last was my favorite set up out of all of them! The wake was super mellow and had the kick the others had the wake had a super smooth transition one of the smoothest I found with the trial and error over the past couple weeks. This wake was a lot more forgiving although it wrecked me hard (rider error). I have always seemed to have very tall peaky ramp style wakes however this had a lip on it just not that sudden snap to it like all the others I had previously set my boats up attached are a few pictures.
All these set ups were tested in the same portion of lake therefore depth had no change in the wake.
So when I go to add weight to the existing ballast I plan to do the following exchange the rear bags to the largest I can get in the rear locker's to fill want to get roughly 2400 in the rear and then 1100 in the bow is my goal all in the existing system and with Pop Bags.
Day 1 of testing in March.
Stock 2,000lbs (which I believe is filling over that by a little)
7 People according to my calculations total weight around 1050
Total ballast: 3,050
Taps 3
Speed 23.6
All the people I had in the rear so only 800lbs in the bow for weight giving us a 2,250 in the rear which is close to a 30/70 split of weight.
here's a couple pictures of the wake
Day 2 in April now
2k stock
total people 12 weight: 1920
Total weight: 3920
Once again all the people in the rear! so around a 20/80 split of weight
Taps 3
Speed 23.8
Last day
Stock 2K
4 People -600 lbs
I then added a 200lbs in the rear along the floor against the back seats
Also added a 300lbs sac across the front seats sideways (pictured)
total weight : 3100
Bow weight - 1100
Rear weight - 2400
The last was my favorite set up out of all of them! The wake was super mellow and had the kick the others had the wake had a super smooth transition one of the smoothest I found with the trial and error over the past couple weeks. This wake was a lot more forgiving although it wrecked me hard (rider error). I have always seemed to have very tall peaky ramp style wakes however this had a lip on it just not that sudden snap to it like all the others I had previously set my boats up attached are a few pictures.
All these set ups were tested in the same portion of lake therefore depth had no change in the wake.
So when I go to add weight to the existing ballast I plan to do the following exchange the rear bags to the largest I can get in the rear locker's to fill want to get roughly 2400 in the rear and then 1100 in the bow is my goal all in the existing system and with Pop Bags.