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Look At Tige Boat

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    Look At Tige Boat


    I am looking to get a ski boat. I am a member at a ski lake with a closed bow boat so it would mostly be a rec. ski and surf boat, not at boat for the course. I found a 2001 21i with 350hrs on it. I have never skied behind a tige. Is the wake simmiler to a 21' Malibu lx? Also for a boat in that condition what is a reasonable price? Looking online they seem to range from $15,000-$25,000. Anything to look out for when buying that year/model?

    Beteen that price range is reasonable, but I couldnt give you an exact price. Considering its a 2001 350hrs is not too bad. Weve had out tige for only 2 and half years an have over 100 hrs on it. Just remember its an i drive so thats going to be great for skiing but not so much for surfing. All tiges can kick up a great wake no matter the model but V drives are mainly going to be for the surfing and wakeboarding. ( You might already know that) For rec it would be great but with possibly limited seating ( Even thought tige finds a way to really pack in the seating) due to the i drive if you want to get alot of people on board. So over all a 2001 Tige 21i is going to be a great starter ski boat, thats if you are going to spend more time skiing than wakeboarding or anything else. I can tell you all about the Tige but im not sure so much about the Malibu. My advice would be to go and test drive and/or ski behind each boat and take into the consideration the differences. Malibu is a very different boat and you'll find that when you take a look at the two.
    Live to Ride and Ride to Live


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        I have a 2000 21i Riders Edition with 400 hours in excellent condition that is for sale. Lots of options. Please PM me if you are interested in getting the particulars.


          Lovin' Powell has a 21i and seems to make quite a decent surf wave out of it. So you can surf it, but a V-drive will generally surf better, but the direct drive will ski better...always a trade-off somewhere.
          Be excellent to one another.

