Our 07 Speedset has worked flawlessly. It's a marriage saver: you wife won't kill you when she's driving while you are boarding and going either too fast or too slow; and when she yells at you that you are going too fast, just feign that you are touching the speed buttons down.
Moving from 20 to 24? I did that, and although there is some driving lessons to learn, esp maneuvering at slow speed, the extra room is priceless when you need it. When you have 8 big guys on boy's weekend, you'll appreciate the extra length & width of a 24.
Also agree with the counter-intiutive notion that it is better own a boat with higher hours because it has been used and therefore probably cared for better. A 24v with only 97 hours.... hmmm. It should have had 97 hours in it's first 2 years.... That 22v looks interesting--if you are in Texas, it'd be good to see in person. They are all yellow...
We surf behind our 24ve, but I got the CHPTHRIL special Enzo Bags. Once you have those, it is very easy. The 24v may have more storage, but the 24ve has a TON of storage.
Good luck deciding.
Moving from 20 to 24? I did that, and although there is some driving lessons to learn, esp maneuvering at slow speed, the extra room is priceless when you need it. When you have 8 big guys on boy's weekend, you'll appreciate the extra length & width of a 24.
Also agree with the counter-intiutive notion that it is better own a boat with higher hours because it has been used and therefore probably cared for better. A 24v with only 97 hours.... hmmm. It should have had 97 hours in it's first 2 years.... That 22v looks interesting--if you are in Texas, it'd be good to see in person. They are all yellow...
We surf behind our 24ve, but I got the CHPTHRIL special Enzo Bags. Once you have those, it is very easy. The 24v may have more storage, but the 24ve has a TON of storage.
Good luck deciding.