Interesting they switched from the electric actuator to raise/lower the tower, to a hydraulic actuator. Probably just asking for another problem and mess to cleanup the power unit/tank. Its basically a step backwards imo.
No announcement yet.
2012 MC X star
It's not a pretty boat. Neither is the last generation Star...
I wonder if will handle like a heavy cardboard box too as the last one does.
There's nothing about the last X-Star that I love other than the wake and I don't expect this one to be any different.
Here's the truth. I CAN'T WAIT TO HIT THAT WAKE!!
X-Star in the morning. RZ4 in the afternoon.
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I saw the boat up close. The interior color can be debated for sure. However, the fabric or whatever it is was really nice. I liked it alot. Real comfortable feeling. Its very different. The rear head rests I dont like but the rest of the boat is sweet. Of course the lines are all debatable. This is not even close to what I would call a family boat which is what they were looking for I guess. Bad news is I cant afford one nor can I afford a new Tige of any size either. I would rather have 3 gauges than the pop up dash.
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Originally posted by Ewok View PostIMHO, the transformer seats,headrests, fake bronze tan seats and everything about the interior screams "Jersey Shore". The wake is impressive but I'm not anywhere close to a pro level rider, I'll pass.
They should name the boat DTF and only let little slutty trolls and Douche's with 6-packs on the
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Originally posted by dom w. forte View PostI always like when something is functional and a benefit, like the seats , but how does the hidden guages benefit?2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES
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Seems like a very niche boat dedicated to wakeboarders, vs a more useable tow sport boat. I wonder how fast the vinyl step up will last on the way to the walk through, basically you have to step on it every time you go through and back, also when you flip the rear seat to look backwards, if are the driver, how do do you get back, again walking over the seats every time. If I only wake boarded and needed a boat with a possibility of 3 (in the bow), 1 (in walk through) 2-3 (rear seat) people looking back at me wakeboarding then it would be worth it, but the necessity for 6-7 rear facing seats seems a little excessive.
I definitely do not like the up and down going dash, only there for looks and when it does fail, which it will you will be hosed. Same thing with the autofolding tower. At last year boat show they had it there, and on opening day, it was programmed to go up and down every 5-10 minutes, 2 hours in the show I walked by and it was fine, 1 hour later walking back by there was hydralic fluid leaking from the piston onto the vinyl, I pointed it out to the MC personell, went back the next day, it wasn't moving at all.
I like the Tige KISS principle for there dash, low profile, simple with digital, but also analog guages.
I actually like the color both ext and interior, but taste on everything is subjective. For 150k, I think a Z3 or RZ2 being pulled by a new Denali would work a whole lot better for the same price if not less.The worst day of boating is still the better than the best day of work......, unless you bend your prop.