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broken swing tounge bolt

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    Looks like it may be a good place to use stainless steel!


      Originally posted by gman View Post
      Looks like it may be a good place to use stainless steel!
      From the McMaster write-ups here are the minimum tensile strengths in psi for various bolts -
      70,000 - 18-8 stainless
      70,000 - Type 316 stainless
      80,000 - nickel copper alloy 400
      120,000 - grade 5 rust resistant zinc
      170,000 - grade 8 zinc yellow-chromate
      180,000 - grade 9 zinc yellow-chromate

      In looking at the swing arm there is a bit of slop between the arm and the bracket.
      I'm going to slip a SS washer in the top & bottom of the joint to help reduce the clunk I get on the road.
      The washers would still allow the arm to pivot, but should reduce the wear on the bolt as the joint works.


        For info:
        Our 2000 Extreme trailer needs a bolt with a 6" shank.
        The 8" bolts from McMaster have 5 7/8" shanks.
        The 8 1/2" bolt shank is 6 3/8".

