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Need tips for washing after each use

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    Need tips for washing after each use

    I have heard 50/50 water and white vinegar.

    50/50 water dish soap?

    Looking for tips on quickest and easiest. My thought is to get a box and keep in back of truck. Always have 4-6 spray bottles full of proper mix along with clean towels. Toss a bottle and towel to each rider from the day and make them go to work.

    What works best for interior?

    Let me know your techniques.

    Straight white vinegar works great for water spots but everyone tells me that Boat Bling products work the best. Haven't tried any but going to order some.


      Ryder, so I cheat. I stop by the car wash on the way home and give the boat a quick bath, and wipe it down before heading home. I wax my boat once a month during the season. I have a little minion that helps so it goes pretty fast.

      When I get home I hit up the tower with a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar and wipe down the interior with a damp towel. I use Malco PB2 twice a season on my interior.

      This is what I do.


        Hot sauce by boat bling. I have a black Zee with no spots. They also sell wax and excellent vinyl cleaner and conditioner
        Last edited by Iwndr; 07-20-2011, 04:50 AM.
        "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail" John Wooden- Rest in Peace


          Boat Bling Hot Sauce! Enough Said.


            i use 50/50 vinegar & windex. It works awesome.


              Awesome. Thanks


                I use bass boat saver. search for it online. Stuff works wonders.
                Native TEXAN transplanted to Huntsville, Alabama.
                How bout them Cowboys!


                  Totally awesome followed up by a wipe-down wax/cleaner like that FW stuff or just a Meguiar's brand.

                  I toss and towel to all the riders after we pull out of the water and wipe down before we drive home. I usually do the Totally Awesome when on an off day a couple times a week if needed and a thorough wipe down with the wax/cleaner once a week until the towel just glides over the fiberglass.
                  Waiting for another good one!


                    I too use 50/50 water and vinegar, but at the suggestion of someone on this site, I throw a little liquid Turtle Wax into the mix.

                    Seems to work great.

                    When I had a mostly black boat, I would use Boat Bling Hot Sauce or Transom Sauce for the really hard spots.


                      Originally posted by Fiveflat View Post
                      Totally awesome followed up by a wipe-down wax/cleaner like that FW stuff or just a Meguiar's brand.

                      I toss and towel to all the riders after we pull out of the water and wipe down before we drive home. I usually do the Totally Awesome when on an off day a couple times a week if needed and a thorough wipe down with the wax/cleaner once a week until the towel just glides over the fiberglass.
                      Totally Awesome is indeed... totally awesome. Jus sayin....
                      I think ineed more periods in this post............ .... .. ..... (for Fiver)....
                      So this monkey walks into a bar...


                        Originally posted by Ryder View Post
                        My thought is to get a box and keep in back of truck. Always have 4-6 spray bottles full of proper mix along with clean towels. Toss a bottle and towel to each rider from the day and make them go to work.
                        Let me know your techniques.
                        This is exactly what I do, I have an old crate with my cleaning supplies, but I only have 3 spray bottles. 1 water/vinegar, 1 regular water, and windex.

                        Water/Vinegar on the outside, water on the inside (use a small shot of fantastic for stains) and windex for the glass. This method has worked great for 2 years.

                        We keep our boat in a storage facility at the Marina, so while I am flushing engine, crew stays in boat and gathers all their items in boat and then I load them in truck, then I hand out cleaning supplies at the garage. Guys usually wipe outside, unload coolers and any more supplies into truck while girls wipe down interior, then after outside is done, I back boat into garage as girls are finishing up, I unhook trailer as girls wrap up interior cleaning. I have it down to a science, can ya tell?

                        Recomended by my dealer, I use 9 Water/1 Vinegar (50/50 is probably to much vinegar IMO.
                        Friends don't let friends POWERTURN


                          on lift I spray Babe's Boat Bright spray wax/cleaner-green stuff & wipe down w/microfiber towels. Keep 2 bottles- one for each side. I use foamy spray glass cleaner from WalMart for glass & stainleas steel & tower. I think it works better on glass than Windex.... The foamy application doesn't seem to streak as much. I keep Microfiber rags & bottles in front starboard locker.

                          After a weeks vacation, I use 3M Cleaner wax. Like toothpaste-totally knocks off spots & brings nice shine back. Then keep it up w/ the Babe's.

                          Do have the Exquisite Vinyl cleaner.... Not as happy with it but works Ok.


                            I use maguires leather and vinyl cleaner on the interior. Not only cleans, but keepd the seats moisturized. My buddy has a 2005 nautique that he bought new, he takes it out of the water every 2 weeks and cleans it. I have to say his interior is not only clean, but the seats are still soft. Keeps them from ripping.


                              Babes boat bright watered down (50/50)...I wipe down the outside while everyone else unloads the boat into the truck. I've had friends help wipe down and the effort just isn't there, I usually have to go over it again. Friends think I'm OCD...well maybe I am. (Especially when I wipe the trailer down too). But having a 16 year old boat shine like it was new makes me smile.

                              GF uses a wet towel for the inside at the ramp. I use Exquisite at home on the bad spots in the interior, and follow up with 303. Shop vac the inside every other time (keeps the carpet a bit fluffier).

                              I use to wax every month, but since BBB I wax maybe 3 times a season.

