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Z1 Decals, gas problem - Help

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    Z1 Decals, gas problem - Help

    Ok, I know there's another post on decals but mine's a little different so I thought I'd start a new thread.

    On my Z1, at least every other time filling it, the fuell fill burps and gas comes shooting out of the spout. I've tried finding stations with a good slope to stop this and I always pack paper towels around the nozzle, and I pump as slowly as humanly possible, but still, sometimes fuel comes out fast enough it makes it past the paper towels and down the side of the boat onto my decals.

    I will always be careful, and will always be more careful, but the problem is that literally every time gas gets onto my decals, more of the edge comes unstuck. I now have very large parts of my decal that are completely unstuck and they're tearing because of them being below the waterline when ballast is full/surfing.

    Can anyone share with me a good non-harmful (to the gelcoat) adhesive? I've tried every kind I can find and none work, they just come back off after a couple of trips to the lake. I'm almost ready to have to buy new decals for that side.

    I have a similar problem with my Z1 as I posted in the other decal thread you mentioned. This was a one time incident with the spewing gas though as we had a full tank of gas in 100°+ weather across Texas and the fuel began to spew.

    As for the fill-up, as I have done with all boats we've owned, I either know approximately how much fuel needs to be added to the tank before its considered full and stop a gallon or two short of that. OR I listen for the fuel to start rising up the tank hose during fill-up and stop asap as it begins to make its accent up the hose. If I wait too long, every time the fuel will spew. Must be the design of all boat tanks in this sense.


      I have had this happen once too. After that I open the opposite side filler cap to help vent while I pump gas in and I also monitor how much I need and It has only spit up once but that was because I got distracted talking with my buddy and the fuel only came out the vent that time which I would consider pretty normal and it was very little gas. I don't know if opening the other side as well really works, but it has sorta worked for me so far.


        I too open both sides to aid in venting. And I listen for the pitch change indicating fuel rising in the line.

        I used a contact cement applied with a paint brush end of last season to adhere edges of decals. I do not recall the brand.


          I open both sides to help vent. Last time the boat was not sitting level, I was fueling on the higher side of the boat and the gas ran out of the fill hole on the other side, I heard this strange splashing sound and holy cow what a mess. Figured 2 gallons dumped. Keep an eye out for that....

