This is my first trip out to powell. Is there any thing that you guys can think i need to bring other then going to a smaller lake?
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what to bring lake powell
Great idea Coop with the radios.
I invested in a handheld VHF for the boat. The houseboat already has a built in one, so this way we can communicate between them and have a way to call for help if we need it. This is the one I bought. It is waterproof, floats and has GPS. STANDARD HORIZON HX851 Floating Handheld VHF/GPS RadioMike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997
Well.. it rains every afternoon at about 4 pm... so might want to consider that when packing clothes. Shoes that you can climb in.. and can get wet. Speargun and mask.. or pole spear. Lots of carp and stripers to shoot. Underwater camera.. the cheapo works fine. There is some seriously clear water.. and lots of fishies to get pics with. Floaties of all kinds... noodles are good.
Rock climbing stuff is fun too.So this monkey walks into a bar...
extra prop
Take an extra prop and prop kit. I just got back from Powell. The lake is coming up a foot a day. I saw boat after boat hitting rocks and floaters (wood chucks and logs) - including me. I hit a sandbar damaging my strut and prop. I replaced the prop, and was able to continue with the trip, but now that I'm home, I'm replacing the strut. I helped two other boaters while I was there that were worse off than me. (one guy damaged two props while there for two days) The one that gets me, is in bullfrog marina - big unmarked rocks in the middle of the wakeless marina that just went under water while I was there were ruining boaters forth of july weekend within a matter of minutes of launching.
I agree with oufotige
We have a houseboat in Powell and spend 4-5 weeks a summer on it, lake is rising 1 1/2 feet per day. One thing to add is a mask and a spare block of wood. Just makes it easy having a mask and wood to hold prop rather than looking for something when you are down, if you damage a prop. Powell is known for hidden rocks just beneth the water, keep eyes out for aqua color water and u should be fine. Oh most cell phones now work in the main channel in a few spots. Just a FYI Enjoy, heading back up in 2 weeks, can't wait!!
I haven't been to powel yet, but we go to mead about 50 days each year. If you haven't spent much time in the desert it is easy to under estimate the amount of drinking water and sunscreen you go through. A gross but accurate standard is to remind everyone to drink water until your pee is clear.