I always spray mine off with water and then use some spray on wax over the whole boat. It makes wiping it down with towels really easy and keeps the shine.
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Mr. Clean Car Wash
see I whipe down my boat after every use, and then I detail it every two weeks or so. Granted, I have only had my boat since aug, but it still looks good. My lake I use is a VERY dirty lake, so I try to keep it clean. I need to give it a good cleaning before I take it out and wax it, but gotta wait for a bit warmer weather, and some time off from work.
DomOriginally posted by G-MONEYIt hurts me to say it but go OU but only for this weekend!!!!
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We wipe our boat down completely after it comes out of the water every time. We then use a product called Protect all. It is a lite spray wax you just wipe on, with no buffing. We then have very few, if any, water spots from hard water, even on the Colorado River. You can get it at any RV supply who carries products for the new fiberglass RV's. Our boat is then always showroom ready.
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my family owns a carwash in calgary, and we just got a new product in that totally blew me away. I am an absolute anal freak about keeping my vehicles perfectly clean, and I have always used a chamois. BUt this new product is a water blade, that just sweeps the water away, bends to the contours of the surface, and does scratch at all(as long as it is clean of course of hard particles). Works awesome and saves TONS of time and you can perfect it with the chamois after! Just an idea.
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I was a a little skeptical myself about the system until I tried it and it cuts the wash time down quite a bit, I did the boat and two trucks in one washing that took maybe a little over an hour. It would have probably taken me 45 min per truck and an hour on the boat to wash and dry everything the hard way. The system that works best for me is to have my wife work the sprayer and I use one of those microfiber mits and she pre rinses and soaps up the mit and I wash and she rinses and it goes pretty fast.
The filter is only half of the story, the soap has polymers in it that when combinded with the soft water rinse dries with no spots, so if you try to cheap out and use another soap it will likely not dry spot free. Like everything in a kit you buy to get you started it is the refills where they make your money. It is probably worth the it when you consider the time saved but as a cash saver I would say not. How long the cartrige lasts depends how hard your water is. Where I am at the filter actually lasts quite a while, in fact I am going thru the soap much faster. I probably got two rounds of washing everything on the starter kit, so figure about six washings per bottle of soap and then you might as well change the filter because it comes in the refill kit.
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Ducky is a popular spray for water spots and detailing. Here is the link.Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997