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OMG Red cheeto's prints everywhere

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    OMG Red cheeto's prints everywhere

    So i decided to take my brother and his kids to the lake today and i love em to death but its like wth am i the parent or are they. I dont think they ever said kids pic up your trash or dont put your red cheeto hands everywhere. anyways by the end of the day i have red cheeto, however you spell that, everywhere on only the white parts of my seats. when i got home i tried, vinyl sauce, exquisite, dawn with hot water, lucas vinyl cleaner, anyways nothing worked and i need to get this out today so im sure this isnt the first time this happens so let me know what yall think. I have some more stories tomorrow as my day was rather interesting but right now this is the only thing freakin me out. anyways give me some good news guys/gals. joaquin

    If it makes you feel any better your not alone. I have decided if they are not going to parent I will for them. I am the mean Uncle.

    If you call showing respect and following rules mean.


      On the plus side, I do not allow food on the boat or any of my vehicles, some of the scout parents don't understand but they don't help out either, now I have proof of what can happen if someone tries to brign Cheetos on board. I have also heard that red or any colored soda is bad as well.


        Try Totally Awesome you can get it at the dollar general or family dollar store.
        I do all my own stunt work. hey ya'll watch dis.


          Originally posted by robert theisen View Post
          Try Totally Awesome you can get it at the dollar general or family dollar store.
          Is that vinyl safe?


            Just do not use Magic Eraser. Will ruin the vinyl.


              The exact reason why Cheeto's are not allowed on the boat!
              I'm on a boat man. I got my flippy floppies....


                Originally posted by laserfish View Post
                Just do not use Magic Eraser. Will ruin the vinyl.
                Really? My brother has been using that for years. Maybe he's just lucky so far? I haven't used it because I haven't really worried much since I want to reupholster some of my vinyl anyway...
                Waiting for another good one!


                  I think it's ok to use it in extreme circumstances (like red cheetos).


                    Totally Awesome is ... well TOTALLY AWESOME. I get it at the Dollar Tree for a dollar for a whole gallon. It kicks cheetoh-***... and any other stain as well.

                    Originally posted by robert theisen View Post
                    Try Totally Awesome you can get it at the dollar general or family dollar store.
                    So this monkey walks into a bar...


                      Dollar Tree? No chit?

                      I'm calling wifey now... She love's that place.
                      Waiting for another good one!


                        Why does magic eraser ruin vinyl?


                          It's like sandpaper, kind of removes some of the vinyl when you scrub it with it.


                            Wife is fetching me some "Totally Awesome" at the Dollar Tree. she said she's seen it there. Can hardly wait to clean... wow did I really just say that?
                            Waiting for another good one!


                              The vinyl has a protective top coat and the ME is like sandpaper. Might not do it the first time, but you will start noticing that the seats stain easier and are much more susceptible to mildew. Then come the cracks because without the top coat it becomes brittle. My experience anyway. New interior last year and I am not taking any chances...Too Expensive!

