Hi There all you Tige-lovers!
It could be that I might be a tige owner myself soon, however, before buying anything, I am hoping you experts can share some advise with me.
I found a 1996 Tige 2000 with the original 350 inboard with 1150 hrs on it. The boat looks and runs excellent and the one owner seems to have taken very well care of it (he just bought a brand new tige). The sale price for this baby is $7000. http://www.lodiparkandsell.com/index...vehicle_id=796
Any comments or advise on this one? I am hesitant on buying this boat because 1150 hrs is quite a bit. I have always driven regular runabouts and currently own a stingray with only 400 hrs. However, I like to get a better boat for sking and tubing and my little stingray just isn't made for that. I like this tige boat but .... is it risky?
Any food for thoughts are appreciated and welcomed. Thank you!!!
It could be that I might be a tige owner myself soon, however, before buying anything, I am hoping you experts can share some advise with me.
I found a 1996 Tige 2000 with the original 350 inboard with 1150 hrs on it. The boat looks and runs excellent and the one owner seems to have taken very well care of it (he just bought a brand new tige). The sale price for this baby is $7000. http://www.lodiparkandsell.com/index...vehicle_id=796
Any comments or advise on this one? I am hesitant on buying this boat because 1150 hrs is quite a bit. I have always driven regular runabouts and currently own a stingray with only 400 hrs. However, I like to get a better boat for sking and tubing and my little stingray just isn't made for that. I like this tige boat but .... is it risky?
Any food for thoughts are appreciated and welcomed. Thank you!!!