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Our 24Ve is on its way!!! (photos inside)

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    We have almost 600 hours now on our 24Ve. Never a single issue. Replaced steering cable at close to 500 hours, and regular service, changed a couple of dinged props. Only complaint, was the interior is getting a bit worn, but that is much better in 2010, higher quality, but you pay for it.

    Great boat.


      Originally posted by ragboy View Post
      We have almost 600 hours now on our 24Ve. Never a single issue. Replaced steering cable at close to 500 hours, and regular service, changed a couple of dinged props. Only complaint, was the interior is getting a bit worn, but that is much better in 2010, higher quality, but you pay for it. Great boat.
      I've been reading your comments elsewhere on loading up the 24Ve for wakesurfing. I believe you said the 22's actually generate a better surf wake than the 24's, and that some sort of different weighting is necessary to get the 24's to yield as good a wake as the 22's. Could you elaborate on that? One of the key reasons for getting the 24Ve was surfing, and I'm in the process of planning out the ballasting system, so any experience there will be GREATLY appreciated.

      By the way, much of the time we do not have "human ballast" to toss around. There's just me, my wife, and my 8YO son. So presuming Enzo fat sacs in the rear chambers and an integrated ballast sac up front, what more will be necessary to get the most out of a 24Ve?



        I am going to do some experimenting in the next 2 weeks, so stay tuned.

        What I said was the 22s put out a better wake with the same weight. So 2000 lbs of ballast in the RZ2 is amazing, and just good on the 24ve, to put it quickly.

        The RZ2, also has more PUSH, which is a big deal. You will be just fine, and thoroughly enjoy the 24Ve wake, and we will give you tips for the best weight. You have to understand that I pull contests, and host pros, so Its gotta be amazing. I think, with more weight, the 24Ve could also be amazing, just need a bit more work.

        Since I haven't been able to sell it, we may customize it for a monster wake.


          I never got my 21V out on Sunday like I hoped. I should get it out this week or weekend and I'll get some good data and photos on my wave for you too.
          Waiting for another good one!


            Originally posted by ragboy View Post
            What I said was the 22s put out a better wake with the same weight. So 2000 lbs of ballast in the RZ2 is amazing, and just good on the 24ve, to put it quickly.
            OK, I understand. Perhaps the bigger hull on the 24 doesn't get pushed down into the water as much by the same amount of weight.

            I am going to do some experimenting in the next 2 weeks, so stay tuned.
            You can count on that! Thanks!


              Originally posted by WABoating View Post
              OK, I understand. Perhaps the bigger hull on the 24 doesn't get pushed down into the water as much by the same amount of weight.

              You can count on that! Thanks!

              The buoyancy add by the extra 2ft of the 24Ve is exponential, so it takes more weight to achieve the same wake as the 22Ve.
              Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                Originally posted by chpthril View Post
                The buoyancy add by the extra 2ft of the 24Ve is exponential, so it takes more weight to achieve the same wake as the 22Ve.
                OK, we'll just arrange to have those extra two feet up front in the bow, out of the water. Then they can't contribute to the buoyancy. Easy fix.


                Fortunately, the 24Ve also has plenty of seat and floor space for more fat sacs.


                  Speaking of extra sacs for the 24Ve, here's an extra 1000 pounds to play with:

                  That plus an Enzo sac on the same side would give you 2500 pounds of ballast in the rear of the boat. Based on what I've read here, that may be enough....


                    The problem with the Ve, is not that it isn't bigger, but its "spaces" under the seats and stuff, and lockers are small. The RZ2 actually has more room under seat for sacage. <-- weird word.

                    The lockers in the Tiges are smaller than other boats, due to the "activity center". I love that feature, but on the 24ve, you need lots more room for sacs, and its not there as much. That is one reason, the RZ2 or 22Ve help, the smaller boat doesn't need htat huge amount of weight.

                    That said, don't get me wrong, the Ve makes a GREAT wake, and is no slouch. And after this weekend, I will have more to say on that. ;-)


                      make sure to post some pics of the arrival and unwrapping on the west coast! btw, whats your plan for unloading it from the truck once it gets there? if you need a suggestion, i would say take it to a mastercraft dealer and ask if you can borrow their crane real quick! haha.


                        It has arrived!

                        Here it is behind my truck:

                        Next, unwrapping and reassembling it. Then off to the lake this weekend to run some nice, clean, pure, Pacific Northwest lake water through it from our 60 foot deep lake. More photos to come!


                          Originally posted by light200 View Post
                          btw, whats your plan for unloading it from the truck once it gets there?
                          Same as loading it: A huge forklift with straps running down from extended forks. I know the owner of a local marina and made prior arrangements with him to unload it. As noted above, it arrived today - even earlier than the driver promised - and the locals jumped on the project instantly. One guy on the forklift, two others running straps. Elapsed time between the truck rolling in and the boat+trailer sitting on the ground was 20 minutes at most. Smooth as silk!


                            Did it come yet?
                            2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
                            2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES


                              Never browser didn't bold the post. Congrats!!!
                              2009 RZ2, PCM 343, MLA Surf Ballast, Premium Sound.
                              2013 Toyota Sequoia 4WD W/Timbren SES


                                what lake are you on?

