Ruune im with you bought my 04 last july nothing but problems including most of yours and then some. I am nowhere new to boat ownership and know that all boats have kinks my list after using it topped twenty that is obsurd.
No announcement yet.
Quality Control on '05 models
Wake Havasu
"Tigé will benefit from a linear design in the new factory that will allow them to both begin and finish one boat every hour."
Tige News
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Don't get me wrong, I love my boat, just the little things that rake my nerves a little bit. But the boat has met and exceeded my expectations 10 fold. It has a great wakeboard wake, very good slalom wake, hanldes the rough water well, has pleanty of room, I guess the only problem is it forced me to take up wakesurfing which meany buying more gear, not really a problem though
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I was just reading the NEWS section of this site, and it seems from these comments, the reports for next quarter won't fair as well.
ABILENE, TEXAS – March 17, 2005 – Tigé Boats garnered a score of more than 92 percent overall customer satisfaction for the first quarter of 2005, according to National Marine Manufacturing Association customer satisfaction index information.
ABILENE, TEXAS – February 24, 2005 – The Tigé 24V has been chosen by Powerboat Magazine to receive a 2005 Award for Product Excellence.Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997
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My response to the inital question is No, I have not noticed poorer build quality in the 05 tiges.
Comming from our 03, our 05 is built better. It is mostly little things that I have noticed from the 03 to the 05, but it does look and feel like a better built boat. I haven't had the variety of problems that most of you have had though. Just some intial electical issues.
Ruune, I hope they get things worked out for you, I remember how excited you were to get your boat!
akdoc, I talked with Joe last month, and your right they are selling a lot of Nautiques up there. I think it has to do more with their clientele an the Nautique status symbol, then the quality of the boat. Thats not to say that nautiques are not built well.
Thanks and thats my .02"I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are just details"
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Originally posted by delongheavyhaul
IM WITH YOU HOLIDAY13!!! ive had to buy new wakeboards, skis, life jackets, ropes, handles, tubes, knee board, air chair.. it does not stop. it is all worth it though!"I want to know God's thoughts, the rest are just details"
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Don't forget bumpers, speakers, sirus radio, tool kit, extra prop, matching towels and koozysFreude am Fahren.
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My dealer is working hard to get my boat fixed which excites me almost as much as I was to take delivery of it. Tige still builds the best boat for the buck and I don't think I could even step foot into another dealer. This is my second Tige and I had hoped to keep this one for some time to come, but hopefully we (me, dealer and Tige) can come up with something to get the issues corrected.
I guess we all have one thing in common though: We are dedicated Tige owners and even with all of the issues we have had (new or old) we still drive Tige Boats for one reason or another and will for years to come.
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jpretti and all:
Sorry to hear about your issues. My 2005 has almost 40 hours on it already, and so far I can only count 2 items that were overlooked at the factory.
1. Like others, I found a lot of debris at the bilge (carpeting, screws, washers) to the point it actually plugged the pump. This took me just a few minutes to fix.
2. The big cooler was not sealed properly and it was leaking the melting ice into the floorboard. I took a little bit of silicon and problem solved.
Other than that, this baby seems to be going strong.
Don't think that any of the big boat manufacturers are inmune to these type of issues. Boats are not made in robotic assembly plants like cars. They are made by people, and people make mistakes. Sure I agree that some manufacturers have better procedures, they use better quality components and materials, etc. However, I bet that every boat manufacturer out there has customer issues because of defective products. At least Tige and most of their dealer network tries to make it right.
Now - I'm not trying to sound like a cheeleader here. I'll be the first one to complain when something isn't right, but at least I can tell you that not all of their boats have problems.
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Originally posted by BrentRR
Don't get me wrong. This boat is perfect for my family of 5 plus guests (typically have 7-9 people on board). Love the TAPS because we all slalom ski and wakeboard which is why we are racking up the engine hours quickly. We also tube and just hangout in a quiet cove.
How many boats can offer this much room and versatility and still provide a quality wake?
I guess I was naive in thinking I wouldn't have these types of problems when spending this much money. I can understand a gauge not working but clamps not tightened that affect water coming into the boat?
I'm just glad I was at the Lake when this all happened since the dealer was able to take care of it all. But what if I had trailered to the other lake I will be using the boat which doesn't have a Tige dealer...
We boat in the Camdenton area on the Big Niangua.
We test drove an orange 24V when we were there the first week of June, and it was one sweet ride!
I drove two MC X-45's before I ordered the 24V. There was absolutely no comparison between the X-45 and a Tige`! At least with the two examples I drive, the MC's were absolute pigs to turn. True, they threw a great wake and had tons of room inside, but there was no way I would fight a boat all day trying to drive it when I am at the lake to relax!!(disclaimer-to be fair, the dealer said they resolved the hard steering issues the following week. I don't know, I never went back)
To be sure, I will give my boat a VERY thorough inspection, including three days of on-water use (we'll be at LOTO Aug 2-5, probably at Lazy Days) before dragging it home to Western Ks.!!!
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Hey SummerObsession,
You probably test drove the boat I bought!
After being on this forum for awhile I was naive. Should have been a little more prepared for the potential for some issues. Just look around and see what people have ran into and then really check it out.
I am very pleased with the dealer. He has taken care of everything and has been a pleasure to work with. I requested someone from the dealer spend an afternoon with us so that we could really learn about the boat and help shake it down. That really helped...
I cleaned the boat up this past weekend and it is lookin' great. We had people stopping by all afternoon yesterday checking it out, even strangers driving by.
Speaking about the handling, my secret is out. Everyone thought I was such a quick learner and good captain. Its the boat! My wife was very apprehensive about driving but reluctantly did so that I could ski. Now she loves it.
Congratulations on your purchase and upcoming delivery! I really do love the boat: ride, wake, room, looks, etc.