I just got back from a great powell trip. Tige' is taking over I saw more Tige' on this trip than anything else, or at least that is the way it seemed. We found that along the east side of Warm Creek Bay was great water. Since everyone has to go through Antelope to go up river everybody seems to be forgetting about Warm Creek. Great Water, TeamAllen was back in there with his family. I got to meet him, he is a great guy. He has a great looking Tige'. He hasn't posted in the gallery because he thinks it's to old. It is still a great looking boat, I think he said it is a '97. You guys with older Tige' should be proud, you new a good thing befroe the rest of us.
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Powell Trip, Tige' are everywhere
Thanks for the good words and the GREAT Original Wingers Amazing Sauce! The Water @ Warm Creek was unbelievable! We were spoiled with great friends, weather and water. The Original Wing Nut is also a great guy with a great family. His wife was a skilled driver of their 24V. Our boat is a 97 and just seems so plain compared to the newer flashy graphics and colors. I'll see about some pics for the gallery.
There was a houseboat towing their Tige' behind on Friday morning. As we passed their bow they tooted their horn and all the guys on the upper deck, wearing cowboy hats, raised their drinks, waved to us and spread the Tige' love. Thank's guys! It is much more fun being a member of the Tige Family than just being another boater.Mike Allen, Tigé owner since 1997
Tigé Jedi
- Feb 2004
- 5557
- St. George, Utah
- 2021 Ri237, 2019 25 LSV, 2016+2015 G23, Malibu 247, X45, 2005 24V, 2002 21V
Wing nut,
Where's the pics?! Here's one of my most recent trip to Powell - There's a rock right where the right front pontoon of the houseboat is about 22" down (yes, I think my draft is about 24" to the tip of the prop). Up at Bullfrog the water was so full of silt you couldn't see more than 8 inches under water. Were things clear down at Wahweap?Attached FilesBe excellent to one another.
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Wake Havasu
Just returned myself!
Was awesome 'cept for the smoke.
I hate the narrows and the "Canyon Explorer" tour boat!
We launched from Antelope Point each day.
I shall return often!
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Water was very clear. Good visiblity to probably 25 feet from looking at rocks as I went over and then depth gauge. Don't you love that feeling of cruising along in nice dark green water only to notice it brown or tan up ahead. The park service said that on the 7th or 8th the lake would reach its max for the year. I wish they'd put a cork in it and let it come back, you guys in CA and AZ don't need that water or power do you? I will get some pics, my son is the one with the digital camera. He's 16 and he'll get around to downloading when he feels like it. He'll feel like it when I stop feeding him or something.My dad always said "Stupid Hurts". He's yet to be proven wrong, but for some reason I keep trying.
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Wake Havasu
to TeamAllen
I rented a 24 blue and white Donzi deck boat and a yellow and black Seadoo.
We were in the same canyons!
I pulled out each eve and stayed at the Courtyard Marriot in Page.
I was worried about the Rain and wind on the Tuesday Storm and stayed off the lake that day!
I love Powell and the ice cream at Dangling rope marina!
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WakeHavasu, sorry didn't meet you.
I was also at the Marriott in page, Yellow and black 24V. We pulled off the lake early as well on tuesday. We were at the pool from about 4:00 on. We were the crew with the 15 pizza's. I was on the east side of the parking lot chatting with other owners, to bad I didn't get a chance to meet you. Maybe next time. I always carry a couple bottles of our famous wing sauce for felllow boaters. I'll be back and maybe meet another time.My dad always said "Stupid Hurts". He's yet to be proven wrong, but for some reason I keep trying.
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Wake Havasu
Original Wing Nut I saw your Boat!!!
I was also at the Marriott in page, Yellow and black 24V.
I saw your Boat!!!!
I was showing it to my kids as I want a 24v!
You have a very very nice boat!
What a small world!
We were in rooms 150 and 166 on the boat parking lot side of the marriot!Last edited by Wake Havasu; 07-07-2005, 04:00 AM.
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Wake Havasu we should have met
Wish I'd have had a chance to meet you. We could have met on the lake and let you take the 24V for a ride. It really is a great boat. I looked pretty hard and I think Tige' is the best boat on the market regardless of price. I could have gone with the x brand but I think they are all marketing. Service in my area could be better, but you are not going to have to deal with them. I will be back to Page in October, don't know exactly when. I also am thinking a last trip to mead in Nov. I may have the guys in Henderson do my winterization. Maybe by then you'll have your new 2006 24V and I could meet up and take the 2006 for a ride. I was at the Marriott with all my sibblings on the 4th floor rooms 403 to 418, 9 rooms and 28 people. Not alot of water time for the guy with the teen scene boat. My brother had the baby barge and grandma, we had a great time, but sometimes alot of family in a short time in confined spce is too much. We stayed a couple extra hours the last day, just my wife and two kids and had some great down time before hitting the road.Last edited by Original Wing Nut; 07-07-2005, 04:01 AM.My dad always said "Stupid Hurts". He's yet to be proven wrong, but for some reason I keep trying.
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Your Houseboat
Just got back from Powell last week. Spent the week in warm creek on a houseboat. Don't let the secret out too much, with the water down, warm creek is the place to be.
Is that your houseboat? You never mentioned that you own one before. By the way, we never found a rudder.