I've replaced all four of mine... there are little inserts at the base of the strap on mine that say "WD." They are plastic and just pull out. Behind them are hex-key screws. Just remove those and replace.
No announcement yet.
2006 Tige's
Tigé Jedi
- Feb 2004
- 5557
- St. George, Utah
- 2021 Ri237, 2019 25 LSV, 2016+2015 G23, Malibu 247, X45, 2005 24V, 2002 21V
board racks
It just seems wierd to have a tower without board racks. The tower is for boarding. I like my Tige because it has tons of room, but wakeboards with bindings are very big and irregular shaped and don't fit very well in most compartments after taking into account the life vests, ropes, bumper pads and even tubes.
I see a tower without racks like salt without pepper.Be excellent to one another.
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My wife and I have been looking and shopping for the last several months... She says I am circling and the circle has been getting progressively tighter. We looked at the new 24Ve...our local dealer has one...and it is a sweet boat indeed. One of the questions asked earlier is how they got more room inside... Tige stretched in the interior of the boat a full foot by moving the back seat over the v drive as I understand it. The new "hook" in the transom allows the storage to remain plentiful and the sun pad to remain large. It is one of the nicest boats we have seen...and believe me, I have looked at them all in the past month or so..
We are doing a head to head demo of the 06 wakesetter 23 vlz and the Tige 24 Ve next friday. I will post the results... As of right now, the Tige seems to be the nicer boat and the better value...although the two are very very close in price comparably optioned out etc...
The new 24Ve is rated for 16 passengers...that's huge!
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By the way, that was my first post...we are new to the site and looking forward to participating more. We just sold our 24 deck boat and looking forward to getting into something more practical for what our family likes to do... It is a heck of an investment...but I suspect we will have it for many years to come... Any way...good to be here...
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While at the Arizona Tige Owners Reunion this past weekend, I went out a couple times in a new 24VE. Once I watched Eric Ruck put on a show. There were 14 in the boat and quite a few of those were kids. It didn't have a ballast system in it and I estimate that with all those people on it, the comparison would be similar to about 1200# and 4-5 people. There was enough wake for him to throw his best stuff. It was clean and shaped real nice. With the Marine Power 340 hp it pulled up quick and easy- I was surprised. And the boat was real quiet. The boat is deep, rides smooth, and handles well. I'll try to get some of the wake pictures to post. Also the new speed control worked nice. It is hard to improve on PP, but this seemed to have even less surging.
PS: My '04 22V with about 1800# had a bigger wake, but the new 24VE sure is nice.
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06 24Ve vs Malibu 247 LSV
For what it's worth ... I liked the photos of the 24Ve, but when I went to our local dealer this weekend to see the boat in person, I was really disappointed.
First, some background. We have a 2001 23V that we have been thrilled to own. It (I believe) was the 2001 LA Boat show demo boat for Tige Watersports of Corona, and it's beautiful. A friend of mine bought a 2001 Malibu 23 LSV that same year and though I always liked the fact that the Malibu wake was great at lower speeds, my boat was nicer in virtually every other way. The fit and finish, lines, size, storage, well, ... everything is better on my boat than his. My only complaint (which I hear has been corrected with the newer hull) is that my wake rolls over until I get going about 22 MPH, which is about 3 MPH faster than my wife likes to wakeboard.
We're now considering upgrading to a new boat, and we went to see both the new Malibus and the Tige 24Ve. I was interested in the Malibu 23 LSV, but as soon as I saw that the bow area is only available as a "play pen" with no walkway for the feet I immediately decided against it as an option. Malibu puts a bow ballast tank up there, and in doing so, loses storage and functionality. I wouldn't even consider buying the boat.
The 247 LSV, on the otherhand, is a gorgeous boat. It's roomy, has tons of storage, and Malibu has definitely stepped up on the fit and finish and amenities. I'll be test driving it in a few weeks to see if it handles as well as they claim and to check out the wake for boarding and surfing. It has fuel fillers on both sides that fill the same 87 (Count 'em) gallon fuel tank, a stock 400 HP Hammerhead engine, and Malibu's version of cruise control that allows you to pre-set the desired speed, etc. Very NICE!
Being Tige loyalists, we then headed to the local Tige dealer anticipating that the 24ve would wow us as well, and that we would have a difficult time deciding which boat to get. What a disappointment! The walk through transom may be a good idea for some, but I don't get it when all it really is is a removable pad ... I'd just as soon walk on the pad. And the hatch there doesn't open completely vertically, so to put anything large, like an ice chest, folded up inner tube, etc, would be extremely difficult. The storage bins on the transom, while an interesting idea, had "lids" that will surely break. The hinges are just pins with springs, and the plastic material that the lids are made of will be very hard to keep clean. The front seats don't lift high enough to easily get into the storage areas, the dash doesn't look as nice as my old millenium dash, and the overall fit and feel of the boat was lacking.
Keep in mind, that I was big time biased towards Tige over Malibu. But after seeing both boats on Saturday, I'll either keep my 2001 or switch to the Malibu. Sorry for the long post ... I'm still in mourning.
Has anyone else felt the same way, or am I on drugs????
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i my self do not like the ve's. they just don't applie to me in looks or function. i like the normal back in with the pad and no drop down. i don't need to haul a ton of people either so i'm probally going to end up getting a 22v. and what really makes me mad is that my dealer(only one in area that sells tige) has ordered a 06 20v and 22ve. i want an 06 22v and want a chance to look at and drive one but i suppose there can't be much difference in the wake from 20-22. or is there?
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Those are great thoughts and I appreciate the feedback... We too looked at the 247 Malibu and it is a very nice boat. It is also 7k at a minimum more than the 24Ve...but that is as the saying goes, just cash... I really walked through the 24Ve pretty hard and was comparing against the 23 wakesetter as you described. We too, didn't like the playpen ballast deal in the front of the malibu or the lack of storage compared to the Tige...but generally, my wife was all for the Tige and not as thrilled with the Malibu. I was ready to go the Malibu direction...but after she and the kids went and looked at both, we had a "plus and minus" discussion of each boat and the overwhelming decission was for the Tige...at least on the pre-demo basis. I will have to go back and look at the storage as you mentioned and do a more thorough walk through with some of your thoughts in mind.
I do like the seat and coolers in the back and overall, there is a ton more storage than the 23 Malibu. Remember that the hammerhead engine will likely require 91 instead of 87...which in this day and age means something when you are talking about 87 gallons of fuel...ouch! I thought 65 in my current boat hurt when I filled it up (we have to use 91 at present...)!!!
On our current boat, the kids must walk across upholstery to get in the boat from the back...so the whole idea of the walk through without loosing the storage seemed like a good idea to us. True, it's not a walk through in the pure sense of the word...but it seemed like a good compromise to get in and out of the boat without the loss of a functional pad or storage...
Back to the dealer I go to do some more snooping! Thanks again...