Where does water in the boat come from??? I know stupid sounding question…today we are surfing and after awhile the wave starts to go to crap, then the boat won’t get to 9mph and we can’t even get a clean wave. I stop and scratch my head …I eventually open the engine hatch to find lots…lots!!! Of water in the bilge.
So problem one…a big one, bilge pump not working!!!
Problem 2…how is all this water getting into the boat??? I used my straight line Sumo pump and pumped a steady flow out of the bilge for well over 3-4 minutes.
Once the bilge was emptied out we were running strong. I ran it with the hatches open and didn’t see any water squirting out of the engine anywhere.
I checked the floor around the rear bags (the only bags we were using) and it was pretty much dry.
The only thing I didn’t check is that maybe one of the fill pumps in the bottom of the boat is leaking??? But that would be a huge leak, right?
Also. I noticed the bags were not full when we would stop to pick up the rider…. So I ran the pumps while we were surfing and had a constant flow from the over flow hole….
it was mentioned on Facebook that it maybe a prop shaft seal???
So problem one…a big one, bilge pump not working!!!
Problem 2…how is all this water getting into the boat??? I used my straight line Sumo pump and pumped a steady flow out of the bilge for well over 3-4 minutes.
Once the bilge was emptied out we were running strong. I ran it with the hatches open and didn’t see any water squirting out of the engine anywhere.
I checked the floor around the rear bags (the only bags we were using) and it was pretty much dry.
The only thing I didn’t check is that maybe one of the fill pumps in the bottom of the boat is leaking??? But that would be a huge leak, right?
Also. I noticed the bags were not full when we would stop to pick up the rider…. So I ran the pumps while we were surfing and had a constant flow from the over flow hole….
it was mentioned on Facebook that it maybe a prop shaft seal???