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21zx or 22rzx for surfing

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    21zx or 22rzx for surfing

    Looking at a 2020 21ZX or a new 2021 22RZX. Anyone surf behind both? Surf is pretty much all we will do. Thoughts on the wave?

    I really like the RZX wave, plenty of push and height. It weighs 100lbs more dry, bigger fuel tank, and carries 700lbs more ballast so a bigger wave is expected. I'll try and see if I have a picture of my wave.


      Yes I have been behind both. I have the RZX2 and my friend has the zx1.

      Both great boats.

      Pros of the ZX. It’s a bit better in chop. No spray over the bow. Sits a bit higher as well. Great surf wave.

      Cons. I like the bigger pickle fork for sitting in vs the hybrid bow.

      The RZX2 has a bit longer wave and in my opinion it’s got a bit more push. Full disclosure I had 500 lbs of led in the bow bs the ZX which was stock.

      If you wake board the rzx wins.

      Don’t think you can go wrong with either. Buy the one that looks best to you.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        Thanks for the feed back. We went with the 21ZX yesterday. My wife liked the interior much better. I don’t think we could of gone wrong either way. Both boats look great. Super excited and it will be a long wait til March when we can see it.


          Hope you are dealing with Ryan. I pick up the black and green 2020 Zx tomorrow!!!


            I've been behind a 2018 RZX2 and a 2020 ZX5 and in my opinion the surf wave on the RZX was better, but obviously there a lot of things to consider, extra added lead, people in the boat etc...but I'm a huge fan of the pickle fork bow and never felt that we got too much spray in the front, at the end of the day you can't go wrong either way!


              I did work with Ryan and he was great, we actually got input and help from everybody there and they were all great. Ryan is the best. He really worked hard to find us a boat that we think will be perfect. He really went above and beyond. Much better to work with the any other boat dealer around SLC IMO. He was the main reason we went with the Tige.
              Wake&snow did you buy the boat on the showroom floor and you live in CO? We went back to get that boat and it was gone. We went ahead a placed a order for a 2021 21zx but we really liked that boat.


                Yeah I bought it. I was the one that put a lot of the hours on that boat. I was trying to buy it for three months. I couldn’t get financing b/c it was taking so long closing on my Utah house. You are gonna absolutely love your new Zx 21. They do everything great and surf amazing. Start buy (leadwake) now. It really helps the wave. The Zx is also a great driving boat, with tons of room.


                  There's a few of us Utah guys kicking around on here. Where are you moving to?


                    Park City. We purchased a town home with a lock-off. My wife and I are moving into the lock off this winter and snowboarding / snowmobiling all winter. Super pumped.


                      Sweet man. We are going to be in PC for thanksgiving and December. Let’s hope the snow keeps up!

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                        Ha! We think just the opposite. My family will be in Arizona for Christmas. We dream of a brown Christmas.


                          Unstuck, what boat do you have?
                          Have you heard of the 440 having catalytic problems? I was reading older Malibu forum posts about the raptors having issues with the couplers and cat actually coming apart. Did a simple search and nothing really came up.



                            Was an issue on only a certain range of serials and affected multiple moodels(400, 400...). Indmar gets the cats from a supplier. The supplier did a whole batch that didnt have a ring inside the cat so the cat brick would come loose, break apart, and flush out the exhaust. Hasn't been an issue for years.


                              This week it's an RZX2 with the 440. Who know what it will be next week.

                              Freeheel nailed it. Biggest issues I've seen with the cats is keeping the O2 sensors tight. A couple times a season I check them. One is always loose.

