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Looking to buy boat

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    Looking to buy boat

    Had a 2014 Z3. Looking to buy 2015 or newer. Taps three. I had a vinyl issue and tige can’t seem to pinpoint the years. Please, not even a single sign of a vinyl issue. Thanks!

    When are you looking to buy? What size boat? I may have a 2020 22RZX going up for sale soon


      I don't think there is a boat older than 5 years that doesn't have a vinyl issue. I have a 2015 Z3 with vinyl issues and I had a 2004 22V that had vinyl issues after 4 years. Maybe just my bad luck or bad vinyl, who knows

      My neighbor has a 2011 Mastercraft X55, vinyl issues after 6 or so years,

      My upholstery guy says its to many seems and stretchers underneath pulling the vinyl down coupled with all the traffic they get.

      My 2cents buy new and sell within 5 years, no vinyl issues.

      I do love my Z3 and Tige and probably will sell next spring for a newer one

      Good luck on your search.

