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Do You Understand My Excitement?

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    Originally posted by brose View Post
    Murphini, it came with FAE, so I've got that one checked off already... I love how quiet it is. Reverese has proven to be a problem already!!! I'll get there in due time. I'll just tell my wife I need to get to the lake every day to practice some more.
    Just remember it will always move to the starboard side. Plan for that How far it goes depends on the boat.


      Welcome.. I did the same this year.. came from a 21v to a 24v..You'll LOVE the room... Bigger the Better in my Book!!! Congrat!!!


        congrats sweet looking boat


          Congrats and welcome! Great looking boat!


            Congrats! I love my 05 24V! I switched props to an ACME 1235 and it seems to pull less in reverse.


              Originally posted by talltigeguy View Post
              A great philosopher once said: 'Do you feel like I do?'

              Wasn't that Peter Frampton?
              Ambivalent? Yes. Or Not.


                Nice move. you will love it. I always pull in to the dock in a counter-clockwise rotation (or left turn) then when at about a 45 degree angle with the dock crank the wheel all the way to the right and the rear end will pull right up against the dock and it slows you down at the same time. good luck and congrats! welcome to the best forum in boating!


                  Congrats. You will quickly learn how to dock the new ride once you understand the right hand rotation and how to use it and not fight it.


                    Long live the V. Welcome to the family. Great choice
                    Let it be!!!


                      Originally posted by talltigeguy View Post
                      A great philosopher once said: 'Do you feel like I do?'

                      I can respond, yes I feel like you do!

                      Congrats, very nice looking boat. Good times are ahead for sure.
                      would that be Peter Framton. No I guess that is "do you feel like we do"



                        Frampton will be played on the new ride! It's already on the iPod. I also just picked up the iPod connector for the Clarion deck thats in it. It allows me to control the ipod through the radio remotes. It's cool!!


                          Congrats! Sweet ride!


                            Originally posted by Jeffe View Post
                            You guys should break the boat in a different way...if you know what I mean

                            Jeffe - I know why you made that comment. You are in the same "boat" that I am. Just a few weeks more, man, and you'll be back in the saddle!


                              Welcome. Awesome set up you got there.
                              How can I be racist when all of my assault rifles are black?


                                Originally posted by wallacmc View Post
                                Jeffe - I know why you made that comment. You are in the same "boat" that I am. Just a few weeks more, man, and you'll be back in the saddle!
                                LOL...longest 6 weeks in a married man's life..

