Originally posted by turbonine
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Typical AZ boat driver
Originally posted by yllw20 View PostMOney pit.
Anyone crazy enough to be towed on the chain...it taking their life in thier hands. We would get cautious anchored at the sand bar of other boats, let alone going thru the channells from lake to lake and how about the wave factory going down the river part.
people I work with have hoses on Grass Lake and Fox Lake and they are nice but the fox will always be somewhat dirty since it is a mud bottom, shallow and where treated water is put back in the flow. On a weekday the lakes are calm until Friday afternoon and then the traffic jams on land and water converge.
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Originally posted by Carter13 View PostI had a similar incident a few years back but with my wife down in the water and the guy was towing his kid on a kneeboard not watching ahead but rather at his kid.
I always have a portable air horn next to the driver so I can blast the other operator and get his attention. Trust me it really works.anyone else want one.
Turbo I would have been yelling on the WS the first time it happened and I would have called the rangers and reported him as a possible DUI driver. The rangers would have come out because they might get to arrest someone.
They love to do that. If he was not DUI he would have been put through the test and would start to pay more attention if he did not get scared off the lake.Last edited by SPBFAN; 08-27-2009, 04:58 PM.www.automarinecare.com CWB, ACME, FlyHigh, Merc Marine, PCM, Marine-power, WETSOUNDS, HSE Volume Controls, Kicker, Sony, Samson Sports, and many other marine parts or accessory's.
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Originally posted by SPBFAN View PostTurbo I would have been yelling on the WS the first time it happened and I would have called the rangers and reported him as a possible DUI driver. The rangers would have come out because they might get to arrest someone.
They love to do that. If he was not DUI he would have been put through the test and would start to pay more attention if he did not get scared off the lake.
I would love to report it to the ranger, but there is no cell phone reception on 4 of the 5 Phoenix area lakes. Besides the rangers are too busy pulling me over. Four times I have been pulled over.
1) person on gunwale
2) being on the lake when it was closed due to a road closer
3) turning the wrong direction. You can only run the lake in a counterclockwise motion.
4) riding after sunset. Riding at 7:45, sunset was at 7:42, it was still light till 8:20
The sheriffs at our lake will get you for technicalities rather than safety issues. They will get you for some technicality just to pull you over then try and get you for the rest of the stupid stuff, i.e. CGA vest count, throwable floatation, properly charged fire extinguisher, registration, nav lights. Then they say this is all safety related. But driving recklessly isn't???
This has been a very frustrating issue out there for a few of the "local" enthusiates who our out there at least once a week.
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Tigé Jedi
- Feb 2004
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- St. George, Utah
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Originally posted by turbonine View Post
Second incident happened to me last weekend. My poor wife almost had a heart attack. She later told me it was the first time she had seen my life flash before her eyes(and she has seen me take 30+ foot falls rock climbing).
This is kind of like the dorkwads who followed us last year when Ruck was trying to ride at the Lake Mead reunion.Be excellent to one another.
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Originally posted by talltigeguy View PostThis is kind of like the dorkwads who followed us last year when Ruck was trying to ride at the Lake Mead reunion.Ruck probably still has nightmares about it.
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I figured I'd share what I saw yesterday on the Sacramento Delta. Luckly we just pulled our skier and rope out of the water and were floating next to the levee, an I/O boat hauled a** past us followed closely by a jet skier (obviously friends). Definitely too close for comfort, I'm glad the rope was in and we were way off to the side. As the jet skier passed us he tried to cross/jump the wake from the I/O he was tailing. As he crossed the wake, he caught just enough air to kick him sideways. When the ski landed he flew off and the jet ski still hauling from the momentum drove itself up the rock levee a good 10 feet. Then slid back into the water.
Luckly the operator fell off the ski before it hit the rock wall, otherwise he would have been spending time in the hospital. We went over to help him out and see if he was alright. He flipped the ski over and there was a good sized hole in the hull. He rudely told us off and sped off in the other direction. Not sure why he was suck a a-hole to us, maybe he was flustered or embarrassed or pissed.
I second the notion that you should be required to get a specific license to operate a water craft.
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I just got back from a wedding on Catalina Island, and on the way home we had a tiny inflatable boat with a little outboard cut across right in front of our huge Catalina Express boat. The captain was on the fog horn for like a minute straight. There is no way he didn't see the 145' boat we were on.