So first off I am waiting to get the pics.
If you have seen the thread on wakeworld you know that Shaun was in my town. I am in TN for work but told him I would get my brother in-law to take him out on my boat if he wanted to go. Shaun emailed me and asked me to call him. We set it up and they went. My brother in-law works for my dad and I had to beg my dad to let him off to go do this. My dad was not happy. My brother in-law called as they were leaving the ramp and said, "it was better than the day my daughter was born and wedding day combined. And worth almost getting fired for." It was only he and Shaun in the boat so he wan't able to get riding pics. He said he has never seen anyone get so much air. He was throughing down everything in his bag. My boat is a 1998 PRE2100WT (NO WEIGHT) let me repeat NO WEIGHT!!! He had taps at 8 and speed was 24mph. I will post the pics as soon as I get them.

If you have seen the thread on wakeworld you know that Shaun was in my town. I am in TN for work but told him I would get my brother in-law to take him out on my boat if he wanted to go. Shaun emailed me and asked me to call him. We set it up and they went. My brother in-law works for my dad and I had to beg my dad to let him off to go do this. My dad was not happy. My brother in-law called as they were leaving the ramp and said, "it was better than the day my daughter was born and wedding day combined. And worth almost getting fired for." It was only he and Shaun in the boat so he wan't able to get riding pics. He said he has never seen anyone get so much air. He was throughing down everything in his bag. My boat is a 1998 PRE2100WT (NO WEIGHT) let me repeat NO WEIGHT!!! He had taps at 8 and speed was 24mph. I will post the pics as soon as I get them.
