The factory rear bags under the floor on our RZX are toast with large leaks from multiple fittings on both sides. Looks like the previous owner might of even tried to repair them before. We never inspected them since they were under the floorboards and I honestly thought they were tanks until we went to inspect the source of water in the bilge.
Anyways, anyone have a good idea where to source factory replacement bags for that year and model? The front bags seem to be holding, but we are thinking about just doing a complete swap at this point with new bags and hoses throughout so this issue doesn't come up again for a while
If anyone has a good diagram of the plumbing it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all!
Anyways, anyone have a good idea where to source factory replacement bags for that year and model? The front bags seem to be holding, but we are thinking about just doing a complete swap at this point with new bags and hoses throughout so this issue doesn't come up again for a while
If anyone has a good diagram of the plumbing it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks all!