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Do i need more ballast? 3000+ pounds

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    Do i need more ballast? 3000+ pounds

    Hey guys ive owned my 2006 tige 24ve for 3 years now and have replaced the factory ballast setup with flyhigh enzo's in the rear lockers at 1450lbs a piece and put a flyhigh bow sac in the bow at 425lbs.

    I normally fill the port side bag all the way along with the front bow sac and the starboard bag i usually fill half to three quarters as i find the wave is alot cleaner. I run a nauticurl suck gate and i find that the wave is quite tall and short and doesn't have a very long pocket forcing me to only surf ropeless right behind the swim deck.

    Im 6'1 and 205lbs and im still using my liquid force rocket 5'4 board which has been a great board but doesnt allow for alot of tricks but then again im a total newb

    Do i need alot more ballast in the bow to create a longer wave?

    my ballast setup is currently maxing out my front bow and rear lockers as it is so any additional weight unfortunately will have to be lead or bags on top of seats or floor.

    How are guys surfing so effortlessly behind their boats ropeless? and im right behind the swim deck with nearly 3000lbs of ballast

    What speed are you running?? Sometimes too slow doesn't let the wave firm up is why I'm asking. With that much rear biased weight you may want some more bow weight. Easy way to decide is stuff/ask some of your crew up front and see if it lengthens your pocket.

    If you haven't found duffymahoney thread or dakota4ce threads I would look them up. Two of the most dialed 24v(ve) waves I've seen while lurking around here


      Funny you mention speed because I always thought I was going too slow..I’m usually between 9-10mph on the factory gauge which I find has the most amount of push any faster and I can’t go rope less

      ill definitely throw some bodies up front to see if it helps


        Id GPS check the speed. 9-10 is too slow for that boat. Speeding will certainly require a change in the TAPS setting and maybe even the surf device, but it will help with the pocket.
        Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


          our 22ve and z3 didn't like a ton of weight in the nose. factory ballast was good on both. in the 4 to 600lb range. I would expect the 24 to be similar. 22ve ran listed with 1400lbs each side. z3 started messin with a gate. that boat had 1500lbs each corner and we had another 500lbs in lead. it needed another 500lbs or 4 more peeps.

          that boat is really large. depending on crew size I bet you need another grand in weight and as chp/free mentioned speed up. we liked 11.4 or 11.6. even my old 20ft supra was surfed at 10.6.
          taps on both tiges was 3 for skim and 4 for surf style.
          2012 22ve.. RIP 4/17
          2014 Z3.. Surf away


            As others have said, speed up. 11.2-11.7 works best on my 23V.
            Experiment with sending people to the front of the boat while surfing and see what happens.
            My 23V has about the same ballast setup and it likes it best if someone is also sitting up front.


              I'll echo pretty much everything Sandm said. Regular doesn't like a lot of bow weight where as goofy does I find. I ride at 11.4 taps 3-4. I run my shaper about 18" from the back. The side of the boat helps keep the rooster tail going straight back rather than throwing wash towards the surf side.


                Definitely need more speed. I have a 2006 22Ve and het a strong pushing wave. When I GPS checked my speed, I found my boat speedometer was pretty close but the perfect pass speed indicates almost 2mph faster. I set my perfect pass at 13.5 so it gives me about 11.5 mph. If I get below 11, the wave becomes very short and eventually disappears. We surf both sides so I keep the ballast full on both sides. All we do is switch the nauticurl to the other side and maybe shift 1-2 people. Goofy does like more bow weight. I tried the LF surf edge and it made the wave longer than nauticurl but it’s more sensitive to speed changes.


                  Originally posted by Martin22ve View Post
                  Definitely need more speed. I have a 2006 22Ve and het a strong pushing wave. When I GPS checked my speed, I found my boat speedometer was pretty close but the perfect pass speed indicates almost 2mph faster. I set my perfect pass at 13.5 so it gives me about 11.5 mph. If I get below 11, the wave becomes very short and eventually disappears. We surf both sides so I keep the ballast full on both sides. All we do is switch the nauticurl to the other side and maybe shift 1-2 people. Goofy does like more bow weight. I tried the LF surf edge and it made the wave longer than nauticurl but it’s more sensitive to speed changes.
                  Is your perfect pass paddle wheel based? I found my paddle wheel was about 4 mph faster than my actual speed in my boat once I upgraded to the GPS PP feature.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    It is paddle base. I don’t like it and end up leaving it off most of the time when I drive. GPS is one of the upgrades on my list but I want to try GSA plates first.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      Martin, upgrade to the stargazer.


                        Originally posted by boonecragun View Post
                        Martin, upgrade to the stargazer.
                        The best upgrade EVER.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          I need to!


                            My 2007 24ve we have the 1450's on each side and the v sac up front. all full except 3/4 on opposite side. We have an additional 100 in lead up front and 150 in lead in each rear locker. We just started this last weekend adding a person up front and a person on the opposite side and remaining people on surf side( I was simulating if I added more lead to the 3 locations) speed is 12 and taps are 4. Wave is great. we noticed when we added a person up front it really cleaned the line out of the wave. and the speed and additional person up front really lengthens the wave.

