Finally Done
I want to thank you guys on this site. I have talked to several of you about installing my stereo. Well I finally got the balls to start cutting. This boat was ordered with no stereo. The only holes it had were the ones up front and I had to enlarge them. so I had to cut everything else. I am running the kicker 700x5 to 6 XS650 and a WS freeair 10. Then a 450 to the new kicker kmt6 tower speakers. I also put in a second battery for the stereo.
Here are some pics.
I want to thank you guys on this site. I have talked to several of you about installing my stereo. Well I finally got the balls to start cutting. This boat was ordered with no stereo. The only holes it had were the ones up front and I had to enlarge them. so I had to cut everything else. I am running the kicker 700x5 to 6 XS650 and a WS freeair 10. Then a 450 to the new kicker kmt6 tower speakers. I also put in a second battery for the stereo.
Here are some pics.
