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Supercharger bolt-on

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    Originally posted by UNSTUCK View Post
    I hate to be the antagonist, and hopefully I’m wrong, but I think they are doing the minimum to please you. They won’t lake test it because they know the engine is running as good as it can and it would be a waste of time they won’t get paid for. I can only speculate that the original owner had the same issue and couldn’t/wouldn’t make the needed changes so he dumped it.
    This was the exact issue with my last boat. Propped it to the moon and still had to dump half my ballast to get to surf speed. We ended up dumping it as well. Too bad too because we loved that boat.

    Have you priced anything yet? Just like Jason said, people are wrecking at Powell. Get your stuff up for sale.
    I hope you’re wrong, too, but I sort of feel the same way. Several things, though. 1, I’m going to get through the summer, before I do anything. Just because I may as well with half of it left. 2, if something is wrong with the motor, I’m not going to dump $12k into it to have it not much better. And 3, if I have to re-design a boat with a sticker price of $150k on it, I’m going to be the most bitter SOB that ever owned a Tige. I’ll never buy another one, be real hesitant to dump money into this one, and I’ll spend my life yelling at the top of my lungs about my experience. I’m just trying to be fair and exhaust my resources, I’m not going to be the guy that does that if there is something fixable about my boat.

    The very bottom line, for me, is that the boat should perform, at lower altitudes, even if it won’t up here, if that’s going to be the “reason” that it won’t. I can’t push the weight it’s supposed to hold to 12mph, at less than 1000’, with a steeper than factory prop. There are a pile of people running added weight, even if it’s at a lower altitude.

    That’s my only hope that this is solve-able, and there’s still a problem with mine. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t wishful thinking on my part, and that I’m screwed, but it does give me a glimmer of some kind of hope.


      Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post
      That’s interesting to know. I guess I should see if their guy at Tahoe can do that. I’m sure it would show more at that altitude than it will in Sacramento, where they are at sea level.

      Thanks boys! I’ll bring that up. I guess I assumed that it would be throwing a code, of some sort, if there were an issue, and they would find it when they plugged in with it dry.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
      If it had a code it would have thrown itself at the touch screen, unless it was a stored code from the previous owner.
      Solving you ballast leak should help, but dont think that's your issue. It should perform at 1k ft though unless it was overloaded.
      Keep us updated.


        Originally posted by freeheel4life View Post
        If it had a code it would have thrown itself at the touch screen, unless it was a stored code from the previous owner.
        Solving you ballast leak should help, but dont think that's your issue. It should perform at 1k ft though unless it was overloaded.
        Keep us updated.
        I will, for sure. And I appreciate the brainstorming from everyone. I’m hoping with the ballast leak and possibly fixing it if it isn’t running perfect, will at the least help some. There wasn’t a crazy amount of water that the bilge wasn’t getting out.. some, but not insane.. it’s made to carry far more weight, unless the water was somehow affecting the engine, negatively..

        Who knows, guess I keep asking questions until I run out of them, and then decide what’s next. Hoping to salvage what I can of the summer, either way, before figuring out what’s next!!

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


          99% of my experience is automotive not marine. I completely agree with those last few post from chpthril and freeheel4life. Let me add a few scenarios that we have seen in the auto world.

          1. Wrong flash on ECM from the factory. Guess what? If you have a 400 flash, you have a 400. Only difference is the flash.

          2. Someone swapped the ECM. (Hey buddy, before you trade in that 440 let me swap the ECM with my 400)

          3. Over active knock sensor. Causes ECM to relearn a different timing curve.

          Make sure that your shop is verifying the software and clearing out the ECM so it can perform a relearn procedure.


            If you have too much water in the bilge it will reach the prop shaft and totally slow everything down.


              Originally posted by bsreid View Post
              If you have too much water in the bilge it will reach the prop shaft and totally slow everything down.
              The other thing when stuck in the hole is all the water rolls to the back of the boat and it's poorly place ballast rolling around in your bilge.

              JCP brought up a great point as well. Indmar ECMs are finally catching up with OBD2 and your ECM learns and adapts. You can clear the adaptive memory and start fresh as well via Diacom (the marine software the dealer is using).

              You have been super level headed about all of this man. Sounds like there's just a few more variables to eliminate before throwing in the towel completely. BTW, saw you thread on the prop. Going a bit flatter (the 2419 is a 15x12) may help, but I doubt dropping yo a 15x11 is really going to make you that happy, or at least not $600 worth of prop happy.


                Rzx can handle the 16” it’s just a matter of figuring Which one and I’m in the process of doing that right now.


                  Interesting. Have you talked to anyone directly at OJ or ACME?? I'd be curious to find out if some cup tweaks would make a difference as well.
                  I always assumed since you are on the island you are darn near sea level. Are you chasing power dragons too??


                    I’ve talked to one guy at acme he wasn’t sure but Jason (elevated concepts) was the one who convinced me to do it. I got the 16x12.5 and it was great in regards of dropping rpm, it went from 4000 to 3500 so I was happy. Only problem was it struggled to get to speed after adding a couple more people and bad conditions. So my plan is to send it back and have them customize with taking out some cup to give a little more get up and go.

                    Yes lol, I am pretty much sea level(400ft) I can practically see the ocean from the road to the lake. But I put extra lead in the boat and ohh boy did that wave ever change there’s no going back now. My main goal is more just to bring fuel consumption down and not have to fiddle with weight when more people come down.


                      ^^good data right there. Which Raptor does your RZX have?? Have you found an overloaded point yet where it just cant push the weight and stays in the hole or has it moved all the weight you've thrown at it just fine??


                        That you guys! I’ll make sure to have them verify and clear the ECM. Maybe I’ll luck out with something there..

                        I had thought about the bilge water rushing to the back, and maybe it’s more than I think, but the pump is also back there,and sucking it out when I take off.. I always pull my plug on the ramp, because of curiosity on him much bilge water is in there, and it never looks like more than 30-40 gallons, and that’s a high estimate..

                        I’m hoping to talk to Acme today, I’ll see what they say and go from there, on the prop. I’ve always kept it in my head that I could run one on weekends at higher elevation, and a different one when we’re closer to sea level.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                          Not much change. ECM was programmed as a 440.. no codes... and they cleared it.. found no other issues. Watched the temp gauge like a hawk, it was 158-160, every minute of the day..

                          Went out yesterday.. pretty much the same old story..

                          4000’ Elevation
                          7 adults, 3 of the guys are bigger, 1 smaller dude, 3 pretty normal sized girls, and a 100lb kid.. crew weight 1510 estimated +\- 100lbs..

                          500 lead

                          Never put more than 50% ballast in it.. 1500 lbs..

                          60 gallons of gas at most, couple of coolers, and random stuff.. 800lbs at most..

                          4300 lbs in the boat.. couldn’t hit 12mph had to run closer to 40% ballast to get there..

                          Have a 2949 prop coming on Friday.. 15”x11” .105 cup.. think this is the last hope, and probably grasping at straws, for any kind of change, before we have some decision to make.. sounds like 2:1 is the way to go, but it would be pretty tough to swallow another $12k on a $100k boat, that doesn’t guarantee me anything, except “it would probably be a lot better”.. I know I’ve said it before, and I’m probably beating my own head against a wall, but I have no idea how anything can be sold with x amount of capacity and ballast, and it can’t even move the basic amount that it’s designed to move.

                          It produces an ok wave, and it’s a nice boat, but for the price tag, it should produce an incredible wave, it should at least do what the manufacturer claims it will, which it won’t. Not even close.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                            You should drag your boat here and put it up against mine. I really think you’ll be impressed. At least that way you are not guessing or hoping. You will know exactly what your boat will become.


                              Originally posted by UNSTUCK View Post
                              You should drag your boat here and put it up against mine. I really think you’ll be impressed. At least that way you are not guessing or hoping. You will know exactly what your boat will become.
                              Would be a perfect apples to apples comparison....with the only change being the 2:1 (and the older tower). As long as both bilges are dry and bags/ lead weight is the same it would truly make for a great review.


                                I’ve got my 3161 (16x12) getting sent in to remove some cup, I’ll report back on how it works. That 15x11 should be good but your rpm will be crazy.

                                Talking to acme and the tech guy was noting how they need a 15.5 with a lower pitch so maybe something will come.

