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Supercharger bolt-on

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    Hey dudes! Slight update, if anyone still cares.. computer wasn’t throwing any codes, but plugs were fouled a little, so he’s thinking possibly the MAF, hope I remember that right from our convo, needs replacement. Fingers crossed it helps, even if only somewhat. I’ll take what I can get!!

    Front ballast bag was also leaking at the fill fitting, so that’s also being replaced. So maybe the combo will help.

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      Let us know how it works out


        I can get the 2/1 no problem. We are replacing Vdrive/running gear like crazy right now with Powell eating so many up. Getting the unit isnt the problem, trust me. Its the cost. If you want to spend the dough we can get it done, just a decision you need to make.
        Germaine Marine
        "A proud dealer of Tige, Supra, Moomba and ATX performance boats"


          I think you need to get that boat in and looked at. You shouldn't have any issues at altitude getting to 10-12 MPH. Something else is going on- it's not the prop- you have a fuel injector issue, a bad computer, or some sort of air-flow issue. Running flat out or even at slalom speed- yes altitude will influence. This is not the case here.


            Originally posted by elevatedconcept View Post
            I can get the 2/1 no problem. We are replacing Vdrive/running gear like crazy right now with Powell eating so many up. Getting the unit isnt the problem, trust me. Its the cost. If you want to spend the dough we can get it done, just a decision you need to make.

            I know brotha. And it may come to that. If I can make it acceptable for $600, vs $12k, at least it’s a bandaid for now. I’d buy the prop to get me through summer, no matter what I’m going to be doing to make the boat right.

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              Originally posted by Will5150 View Post
              I think you need to get that boat in and looked at. You shouldn't have any issues at altitude getting to 10-12 MPH. Something else is going on- it's not the prop- you have a fuel injector issue, a bad computer, or some sort of air-flow issue. Running flat out or even at slalom speed- yes altitude will influence. This is not the case here.
              It’s at my dealer now, throwing no codes, and the only thing they saw as a problem was it’s running rich, looking at the plugs.. they’re changing the MAF sensor, thinking that may be the issue.. it seems to run great once it’s on plane. It purely feels too heavy for the motor to turn that prop enough, whatever the reason. Trust me, I want it to be an issue of a repair over a $12k drive change. But if they can’t find a problem, Then there isn’t a way for them to fix it, either, and I have no clue what to do about that.

              It’s frustrating as hell to have spent that much, on a boat with 27 hours, and it literally can’t perform half of what it’s supposed to.

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                Not getting up to proper temp can cause a rich condition, so can a skewed temp sensor. At the same time, both could go without setting a code. A rich engine can also result on a drop in power.
                Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                  Temp has shown fine, every time I’ve looked at it, so I wouldn’t think it would be that.

                  He said the plugs were “a little fouled” from running “a little fat”.. it didn’t sound like anything insane when talking to him. Not sure what kind of power loss we’d be talking about, maybe 10%, at most?? Literally the boat feels to run fine, isn’t like there are misses, or anything like that. I have to run the ballast at 30-50% depending on elevation.

                  So I’m not sure if that would be enough for what’s going on. I can’t run full bags, at like 1000’ with a decent size crew, and a prop for higher altitude, even.

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                    A little rich wont create a miss, but unless you really, pardon the pun, tuned in to your engine, you wont notice its off its game a little. A few degrees below optimal may not jump out to most people but can be enough to have the engine run a little richer then normal. Lastly, if there is a sender for the gauge and sensor for the ECM, you will never see a skew sensor to the ECM, which is use for the fuel ratio.

                    I still feel your engine is down a little.
                    Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                      Originally posted by chpthril View Post
                      A little rich wont create a miss, but unless you really, pardon the pun, tuned in to your engine, you wont notice its off its game a little. A few degrees below optimal may not jump out to most people but can be enough to have the engine run a little richer then normal. Lastly, if there is a sender for the gauge and sensor for the ECM, you will never see a skew sensor to the ECM, which is use for the fuel ratio.

                      I still feel your engine is down a little.
                      I would love to find out you’re right. What’s the solution, if that’s the case? Can the dealer take the boat out, plugged in to the computer, or something??

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                        There are a lot of things that can be seen in real time with their scanner hooked up. Engine temp, air temp, engine vacuum, injector PDM, o2 readings just to name a few.
                        Mikes Liquid Audio: Knowledge Experience Customer Service you can trust-KICKER WetSounds ACME props FlyHigh Custom Ballast Clarion LiquidLumens LEDs Roswell Wave Deflector And More


                          Originally posted by chpthril View Post
                          There are a lot of things that can be seen in real time with their scanner hooked up. Engine temp, air temp, engine vacuum, injector PDM, o2 readings just to name a few.
                          Thank you for the knowledge, first of all! I’m curious why they wouldn’t do this, if that’s the case. At least I know and can bring it up to them, now. You go in assuming people are going to go to the length they need to to find a problem, but I guess that line of thinking is wrong, sometimes. I’m waiting for a call back from them now, I’ll ask about that when I talk to them.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                            Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post
                            I would love to find out you’re right. What’s the solution, if that’s the case? Can the dealer take the boat out, plugged in to the computer, or something??

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
                            Yes. You can even take a "recording " of all data and send it back to Indmar and they can look it ove and make sure nothing got missed


                              Originally posted by freeheel4life View Post
                              Yes. You can even take a "recording " of all data and send it back to Indmar and they can look it ove and make sure nothing got missed

                              That’s interesting to know. I guess I should see if their guy at Tahoe can do that. I’m sure it would show more at that altitude than it will in Sacramento, where they are at sea level.

                              Thanks boys! I’ll bring that up. I guess I assumed that it would be throwing a code, of some sort, if there were an issue, and they would find it when they plugged in with it dry.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                                Originally posted by Zackdogg View Post
                                I’m curious why they wouldn’t do this, if that’s the case.... You go in assuming people are going to go to the length they need to to find a problem, but I guess that line of thinking is wrong, sometimes.
                                I hate to be the antagonist, and hopefully I’m wrong, but I think they are doing the minimum to please you. They won’t lake test it because they know the engine is running as good as it can and it would be a waste of time they won’t get paid for. I can only speculate that the original owner had the same issue and couldn’t/wouldn’t make the needed changes so he dumped it.
                                This was the exact issue with my last boat. Propped it to the moon and still had to dump half my ballast to get to surf speed. We ended up dumping it as well. Too bad too because we loved that boat.

                                Have you priced anything yet? Just like Jason said, people are wrecking at Powell. Get your stuff up for sale.

