Here is what was left of mine.
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Anyone ever have there fae tear off?
My FAE came off my 15 RZ4 this weekend. Separated from the transom. Still attached to the taps plate though. I noticed it about halfway through the day. But wasn't able to do much why we were still in the water. Thankfully it held on. I was planning on shooting Larry an email tomorrow. I'm right down the road from him here in Austin and he himself installed my FAE. Hopefully he will have some answers.BABz -
Austin, TX
I got an FAE this spring. Their instructions tell you all measurements for install. I also have a square tube bracket that connects to a bracket that screw in around the transom drain instead of trim tab cause only one exhaust outlet (but same concept)....then their instructions tell you to take pictures and send them in for review so they can "verify" you installed correctly. Before buying mine, I specifically asked if it ended up at bottom of lake, how they handle that. They said if you send them pics and they verify its them and they will make it right. So definitely contact them.
I had an early z3 prototype. It opened up like a soup can at the exhaust exit flange. The redesign after that was to fix the problem... the Fae now runs inside the hull exit of the exhaust.
Larry is great people, I would be surprised if he didnt take care of any issues if the instal was verified etc....Germaine Marine
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Originally posted by BlackoutATX View PostHere are some pics of mine as it sits right now. Larry asked if he could instal mine as I believe he hadn't seen one on a RZ4 with my setup. Sounds like this could be an earlier design.
I guess my theory in my early post disagreeing with UNSTUCK regarding movement with the trim tab attachment and tube/bolt connection will have to be retracted. I am starting to feel like a politician, making one statement on "record" and having to retract later.I will tell ya, it would't be the first time I am wrong!
"I think I am pretty smart for an idiot"
It's ok. I too think you're pretty smart, for an idiot.
What was the screw head engagement like on the mounting flange? Looks like the screws are still in place and the flanged just pulled out around them. I don't like the HUGE notches in the flange. I understand why they are there, but I hope the screws had a washer on them,but I don't see one on that one screw and that's not common with sheet metal screws. Did the bolt (all thread? ) bend that holds the support bracket together? I hate the way they build the whole support system. It's just way too universal. You can't tighten the bolt enough for it to do it's job, otherwise the square tube will just crush in (doubt there is a spacer in the tube). The little tube welded to the FAE is retarded. Why not use a tab? Just as strong and will weld up much nicer. And if that bolt is not bent, then the tube has way too big of an ID, allowing more movement. The ID should match the bolt diameter.
Just a couple thoughts.Last edited by UNSTUCK; 06-15-2017, 05:55 PM.
This has been a fascinating thread to read. I had no idea these issues with FAE existed. I have owned two with no issues. Having said that, it seems to me that before we drag a companies (good) reputation through the mud on this forum, said company should receive the feedback directly. I know the owner has been very receptive to constructive feedback in the past. For those of you have already contacted the company, I hope you have provided time for him to correct it. Just my two cents.
Having reread my last comment it might be taken a bit harsh. Rest assured I am not trying to drag their reputation through the mud. I said nothing against them. For a long time now I have expressed issues I've had with their build quality. I fully understand why it is the way it is, trying to keep it universal to keep profits up. This is an item I've wanted for 3 years now, but haven't bought theirs because of the issues I've had, though I never thought they would fail, till now.
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I have run 2 very very hard with absolutely zero issues. Everything breaks eventually if beaten hard enough.
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