Up for sale is one set of PNP bags that came out of my 2017 RZX3. These are factory original bags that Tige put in this boat. I guess they normally don't include them. They weigh in at somewhere around 350 pounds each when full so not as big as the aftermarket is putting out right now. They are used, but not used up. They have the normal scratches, nicks and the like, but no leaks. No extra parts are included with the bags. These bags are great if you don't already have PNP bags and still want to have storage space on top of the bags when full. I just purchased larger bags so these aren't needed anymore. I think they will fit the whole RZX line of boats, but not positive on that. They each have 4 ports and are directional port and starboard. I don't have any pictures right now, but can get them if needed. They look just like ballast bags.
$200 for the set plus shipping.
$200 for the set plus shipping.