Still for sale....listed at 41,500....if interested pm me with a offer
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Im thinking that what people are meaning when they talk about hours and buyers, they are referring to the newer buyers. If I was in the market for a boat and didnt really know much about them yes 500 vs 200 hrs would be a no brainer. I would go with the lesser of the two just because most people look at hours on a boat like they look at miles on a car. Some people do their research look around and find the best deal possible based on functionality and price. Other people just pull the trigger because next weekend is memorial weekend and they need a boat to take out all their friends. The weather is warming up people are getting out, have less time to do their research and are running out of warm weather. Your boats going to sell just be patient. I sold my 2008 RZ4 in 2011 for $52000 with 125hrs. Sad for me but they are going for even more then that right now. My problem at the time was the lakes around Texas were drying up so obviously people were scared to buy. Well now we have had tons of rain, and people just want to be on the water. Anyways hope that kinda helps. I dont think anyone is happy that you havent sold your boat. We all want that here on this site. Anyways good luck man.
Originally posted by Stingreye View PostI am convinced it's the lack of water. Everyone knows California is in a draught and people are seeing picture that make it look like the lakes are completely unusable.
Prior to putting anything up for sale, I always look around at the going rate which is very easy these days using the inner-web and I try to price my stuff at a reasonable price and don't take low-ball offers (or the Craigslist " for a..." b.s.)
Never had a problem selling one of my boats and I have never "had" to sell a boat, I just kind of get ADD and want something else.
Anyway to the point, since I put my RZ4 up for sale on every board that I could think of, I have had only one serious inquiry and that was a guy two states away. I don't know if it is our California drought or what. It really seems strange to me, but luckily I don't need to sell the boat and have no problem enjoying it for another short crappy CA season!!Sent by the random thoughts from the voices in my head... Eric
Originally posted by adamsjstt View PostThat's cool your boat has a 2K+ upgraded Bimini, automated ballast, new cabin carpet, reinforced engine walls etc..... And you got a smokin deal at 42 ( mines listed at 41500 now) and you probably feel like you got a great deal cause it has half the hours. My boat runs great and has been very well maintained and cared for and has was actually used by myself and the previous owner. Blows me away the amount of people that spend the money we spend on these boats and after 8 years have only 280hours of use. Oh ya the swim platform was done using aluminum and fiberglass. Not trying to be a di&k but tired of hearing hours hours is why you can't sell. A educated owner of a boat understands the plus and minus of a low hour boat its not all good.
now also on the other hand you can sit on it long enough and someone will buy it you may have to come down a little but not much but it all depends on how long you want to sit on it. you want it gone in a month and a half dont come down on the pirce you want it gone by the end of the weekend drop the price but i do agree it is a very nice boat and i would love to have it just throwing myin there and dont take it the wrong way just trying to help you understand.
Tigé Junkie
- May 2013
- 920
- Central MN
- 2007 22Ve & 2015 Boston Whaler SS150 Previous: 2014 G23, 2013 Z1, 1997 Marada I/O
One thing I always consider when selling is the carrying cost. Sometimes selling a little cheaper and getting rid of it is better in the long run. If you don't have payments or still are using the boat this doesn't amount to much unless you have storage costs. If you have payments and not using the boat, is it worth hanging onto. When we had our lake place for sale, we got an offer in November just before taking it off the market for winter. The offer was lower than we wanted but recouped that $$$ before the next spring through the winter carrying costs. Not saying you boat isn't worth it but consider what it is costing you to hang onto it each month."I think I am pretty smart for an idiot"
For all you low hour guys, guess which 8 year old boats have more problems? We call it kicking out the cobwebs: impellers disintegrating and leaving pieces stuck in your block water passages, exhaust valves sticking in place, improper marinization or none, frozen or stiff steering, corroded electrical connections...etc. Coming from a commercial boat background, if you don't use your equipment, you won't know what's wrong with it until it's too late. A boat that gets used, gets loved and taken care of, how can no one see that?! Smokin' deal guys.Fixing everyone elses boat just so I can use mine...