Above is the Tige Wake Skate. Never used. Hung in my garage since 2006. No fins. I will look for the fins next weekend when I go back to Havasu. Slight discloration around I and GE as shown in picture. I leaned something up against it. Guess after a few years it made an imprint. This was the 2003 Boat Graphic. Make offers.
Not good picture of matching banner below. I believe it is 3 x 8 or 10 feet long. Hanging in garage since 2006. Banner $40.00 plus shipping. Make offers please.

By the way the Quad, 2005 Kawasaki Prairie 700 is for sale also. 15 hours, 133 miles on it. Have back issues and bought Rhino in 2006. Quad ridden lightly. $3800 OBO on the quad. More pictures on that.
Thanks for looking.